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Topics - Ray Lalleu

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ... 1800
on 6160.0
1700 ID, station rock tune, DJ in German, moin moin!, 1703 movie theme?, DJ name

on 6210.0- -
1643 music, 1644 ID
1706 music

(1826 gone)

on 6160.0
0809 via SDR in UK, DJ in G, ID, rock (only noise at home)

on 3939.93
2110 Nirvana, DJ in Ru, (not sur if he said Music Wave radio), 2113 music
(NOT the usual strong signal)
2115 ID, 2116 'This is Music Wave Radio', music

on 6931.06
2022 barely heard, storm crashes

>>> sorry, late report
on 6205.4
1920 faint carrier at home, music via Irish SDR,
music, DJ in E, many mentions of Caroline, Internet contacts, not // with 648
1735 (had to go)

(1817 gone)

on 6280.0 - -
1951 ID Scotland Int'l R S I only a test, Koto "Dragonslayer"

1959 OFF

on 5844.0+
1826 D song, 1827 next music, 1831 G song in It style, 1832 DJ, Studio Joey

1941 "Rhythm of the night"

on 5035.0
1638 music, stormy

1839 non-stop rock show, storms rising up, 1910 still rock and storms,
1912 "Route 66" Rolling Stones sound
1924 I switched to Twente SDR for less storm crashes, 1926 "Sufragette city",
1936 ID Deltracks, "On the border"

on 7270.0-
1611 rock, 1612 ID, "Man of action"
1634 ska, 1637 Blondie "Denis"

on 6160.0
1559 chatting, ID as WMR, music, 1602 IDs as Weekend Music Radio, 1604 music : "The godfather"

1659 END (the relayer Shortwave Radio is now heard)

on 6209.96
1550 music, stormy, 1554 ID, music
1628 music
1702 music, hum, stormy

on 11690.0
1500 music, fading in here at home,
1507 talking (no copy, but sounds Finnish), 1510 music

on 6300.39
1250 D songs (fair in UK, barely heard at home)

on 6195.0
1214 barely heard on peaks at home, fair  near the Alps, C&W, 1217 ID
>>> beware : RealMix Radio is on the air in Finland, but heard only in the suburbs of the Baltic Sea

1515 barely heard here, 1523 instrum. R&R, same but better near the Alps (so still Gringo Radio), 1526 ID, music

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ... 1800
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