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Messages - Ray Lalleu

on 3920.0
1650 pop  etc... many different kinds
1936 "Turn turn turn", Adamo "Vous permettez monsieur"
1947 Dire Straits, 1952 live ID, pop

2106 Studio Continental closing down, bye-bye, music
2110 carrier, and OFF

on 6294.95
1634 pop, 1639 ID (in a small fade), "Loosing my religion", 1644 Swiss coucou
1702 ID+@    1718 music

(1753 no signal)

on 6135.1
1355 "Rock your baby", 1357 '- - Radio', "Owimbowee (The lion sleeps tonight"), drift
on 6135.0
1359 talking (no copy), 1400 sounds like news (in E?, very noisy), 1405 now comments?, 1411

Maybe the pop station on 6135.1 was covered by a legal station on 6135.0 ?? But I remember hearing the carrier drifting quickly (not jumping) to 6135.0
Edit : must be a new station a bit stronger, that stole the sync AM.

on 5895 LSB
0923 pop oldies   etc..    1130 extra weak, jingle ID
1348 weak, "Jackson"?, 1351 Beatles "Can't buy me love", 1353 IDs, next pop
1423 music, in LSB  (despite an alien carrier on 5895)
1648 extra weak      1737 extra weak

on 6380.0-
1332 music, weak, 1336 next
edit : ID from the op in the chat

on 4860.0
1328 ID at once, music, noisy       etc... never strong
1740 music, weak-fair, T-storm crashes every few seconds

on 5790.0
1318 extra weak, rather a trace with some audio in the noise
(1420 no signal)
1441 trace, trace of audio

on 5780.0
0920 ID at once, song ca 1960    1325 Edith Piaf "Milord", then jazz
1728 "Summertime"
1734 fading out

on 5140.0
0918 30s tango in G       1108 music      1326 noisy, "Valencia", next
1653 music, 1700 'Achtung achtung ...', jazz
(1738 trace, hard to find in the noise)

2047 back with fair signal, dive in the 30s with a well crafted show, 2100

on 6305.05
0915 "Summer in the city", 0917 DJ, ID      1103 ID+@, music
1338 R&R         1452 music

(1702 no signal)

on 6380.0
0908 pop, 0910 jingle:- - radio, "I can break away"          0930 '3 1 9' stamp, pop
1101 chime stamp ID
(1132 gone)

on 3935 LSB
0904 music, 0906 ID    1108 music    1330 rock
etc... strong
1742 strong, ID, rock          1810 strong ! but stormy

on 6850 AM :
had a strong Chinese station that went OFF at 0000 UTC

on 5140.0
0841 trad. jazz, noisy       1144 extra weak   later down to a trace
1755 no signal
2156 extra weak signal, music barely guessed under the noise
Very bad time for Charleston Radio lately.

2148 not a trace here
(Had a report that the antenna is not a beam, but built for long distance paths, above a ground with long slope towards the west. Then, with late transmission start and long skip, all the odds are for a path only to America).

HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns