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Messages - Ray Lalleu

>>>this topic started at 0845 ! <<<  Sorry, mess with my clocks NOT reset by DCF 77
on 7700.25  good signal  (much much stronger than 5800)
0939 music, DJ in D, 0940 ID Free Radio Service Holland, pop-rock record
0943 talking in G, ID as FRSH, then an ID in E as FRS Holland, 0944 music, 0947
1007 music, DJ, IDs, 1018
1236 //5800 DJ: flashback, 1238 music, weak, noisy, some RTTY on u-side 7703
1241 DJ, rock
1426 Indochine "L'aventurier", 1428 DJ in D, 1430 ID in E : 'FRS Holland', pop, etc...
1630 DJ Dave Scott, ID, greets, music        1651 ID, POB in Herten, 3 euros, music, 1654
1703 // 5800
(1833 gone)

>>> that topic started at 0758 utc ! <<< Sorry, mess with my clocks NOT reset by DCF 77
on 5780.0   good-strong
0849 music,
0856 funny singer, jazzy
0925 typical fine music, 0927 song like for church office ?
1220 "Don't make me over", 1222 ID, jazzy singer

>>> that topic started at 0755 utc ! <<< Sorry, mess with my clocks NOT reset by DCF 77
on 5770.1  extra weak
0850 trace, 0853 real audio now : music
(0929 no signal)

on 5770,1-
1224 extra weak, music (guessed), 1225 ID (barely OK, just because guessed before), music
1228 "All right now", fading up, 1232 some blues or rock

>>> that topic started at 0742 UTC <<< Sorry, mess with my clocks not reset by DCF 77
on 5800.05   weak
0838 pop, 0839 ID by DJ as 'Free Radio Service Holland', music, 0842
0859 talking, sounds muffled
0923 music, DJ, 0924 F pop Indochine "Le héros Bob Morane" (not the true title)
0932 music and DJ, weak, ...round the world - -- Holland, pop-rock in E  "Oh Gabrielle" Eddie Meduza
0937 DJ, ID ? no copy,
1234 DJ, flashback, very weak, 1236 // 7700
1332 music, DJ, very weak (settled on 5800.0)

2357 music, not well clarified,
0005 "Break on through" mashup

on 6924.13   noisy
2248 music
2254 trace, maybe on 6924.10 but too weak for a good reading,
then lost

on 6770.0  direct here
2238 trace, 2244 audio still under noise level

on 6284.95
2150 music, 2153 next record: song in D, 2156 instrum (part)
2157 song by W and M, in D,  2159 ID  KR1,  music (just what I typed and replaced by Unid..)
2202 talking in D, 'KR1' in E pronounciation, 2204 pop, 2207 power or modulation with peaks ?
2208 talking in D, also 'KR1 world radio', couple of words by W, then a song
2210 sudden splash, from Chinese on 6280
2213 'Kennemer Radio One' by W, Bananarama , 2214 fading down ?
2217 couple of words, next song, badly disturbed by 6280
2220 said 'closing down' ? , 2222 music, 2224 DJ, pop parts
2227 singer in D, 2229 off ? yes,off

on 6205.0
day long : 0902 old show (address in Ontario), all day:  music and DJ
1949 music, 1950 ID by DJ, music (1953 quick 'Laser' above the record)

on 3940.0-
1818 W jazz singer, 1821 D.Dekker "Israelites", 1824 next, then fading out

on 3909.9v
1704 instrum. R&R Johnny & the Hurricanes, 1706 pop (early 60s), a fade
then trace, drifting around ?, 1711 instrum. Ventures, 1713 early 60's pop,
1716 "The wanderer", modulation problem ? 1718 "Papa oom mow mow"
1722 Johnny Cash : Ring of fire + I walk the line, 1727 M+W "Jackson"
1730 Chuby Checker "The twist", 1732 "In the mood"-medley, 1735 "Great balls of fire",into J.L. Lewis medley, 1739 Good golly miss molly, 1741 Blue suede shoes, 1743 Johnny B.Goode (cut)
1744 messing ... R&B, boogie, 1745 to the 80's now - still that strange sound, beating from Korea ?

on 6230.0
0808 music, strong occ. QRM from Scottish fishermen on 6230 USB,  0856 music
0905 music and QRM, later music, 1256 again the fishermen,etc...

1643 advert, jingle ID, rock, 1648 DJ, more music

on 6294.95
1613 fading in and out, music, 1620
1624 extra weak, rock
1633 jingle, IDs(=?), then ID by M voice: Hier ist Dr Tim, sung IDs, 1635 music

on 5780.0
typical programme, music heard at 0853, 1049(humour), 1247-1253 (no ID heard).
(1533, 1538 off)
1656 back, with typical music

1517 utc
sounds like 2 stations mixed :
-one on 6277.5
-the other on 6278.5
but I can't sort that mess ,  1528

on 6277.5 :
1545 music sometimes better on the u-side, sometimes on the L-side, hets on both sides, much fading, but not sure about all that, maybe it's coming from far away (but not Asian music)

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