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Messages - rundangerously

Pages: 1 [2] 3
pink Floyd, "money" into ID + frequency usb

but i'm getting it on 6929 here in ny - way stronger than 6930 :O

QSLs Received / Re: Shortwave Ghost eQSL Show #12
« on: July 29, 2015, 2302 UTC »
Me too! Thanks shortwave ghost 😀

0147 - "proud to be an American"
0152 - ID, show #12, + requests

tough copy here in Westchester b/c of weather-related noise :(

booming here in Westchester, ny - without long wire, just sangean 909 whip antenna!  slightly muddied audio, though.

QSLs Received / Re: Radio Fusion Radio eQSL
« on: July 20, 2015, 2035 UTC »
Mine arrived as well!  Many thanks Sweet Pea Jackson :D

QSLs Received / Re: WPIG eQSL
« on: July 09, 2015, 0915 UTC »
Same here!  Thanks Ira! And thanks Chris for posting email address 😀

QSLs Received / Re: Free Thinker Radio eQSL
« on: June 29, 2015, 2125 UTC »
Thanks Anthony!

QSLs Received / Boom Box Radio eQSL
« on: June 27, 2015, 1108 UTC »
Thanks Boom Box Radio - and DJ LT 😀

got them in here loud & clear, with some fading.

after rap, "go break yourself," station id, promo for "i come up here... and play what I want" ...
went off the air at start of next tune.

boomed into westchester, ny, on 6925 sub, from 0043 until carrier went off at 0053.  strange because i couldn't pick them up the night before.

0043 "weather report" given, mention of 90 degrees (could've been 9) and "heat wave"  followed by requests for reception reports from anyone "who heard this forecast..." please dial - 918-750-1515 tell them how they were coming in and they'd send "a nice qsl."
into "there was an army of pigs"
0045 "once i was lost... then i was found...
0046 announced phone # again (w/out area code?) "please dial... 750-1515"
0047 oinks
0049 started sign off w/"this is radio wpig signing off"
into "5 little piggies jumping on the bed, one fell off..."
0052 sign off continued w/what sounded like techno lullaby -
0053 - off

do they have an email?  (918)# gets what seems to be a pager?

please eQSL:  fgc180@aol.com

thanks for the broadcast!

Me too 😀
Thanks Voice of Pearl Harbor!

booming into Westchester at 0115 on 6876 kHz - but signal dropped off significantly around 0128-29 (in middle of "pictures of lilly"

1:15 end of song (unidentified)
1:16 into tarzan yell, followed by female announcer with id "you're listening to the crystal ship...." into male sounding off against rock and roll (or so it seemed).
1;17 into a blue grass version of "cat scratch fever" - ted nugent does it better ;D
1:20 into country western tune (unidentified - male vocals - lyrics included line "this life of mine...")
1:24 into country western tune (unidentified - female vocals)
1:26 into rock and roll - the who "pictures of lilly"
here is where signal dropped off sharply...
1:29 into another rock and roll tune - but could barely make it out.
1:31 male announcer - but by this point the audio was unintelligible

please eQSL: fgc180@aol.com

thanks for the tunes & broadcast!

Special broadcast on 71st anniversary of D-day!

Voice of Pearl Harbor received here in Westchester county, New York - fair to good signal, but increasing noise (probably weather related) - especially around 0010 UTC.

tuned in to 6950 kHz, usb at 2358 utc (7:58 pm here on east coast) june 6, 2015.

2358 - speech by w. Churchill in progress
2359 - music (country western sound) "power of dictators shall be taken away...  that'll be the end of the axis... when our army and navy overtake the enemy..."
0000 - (now 7 June 2015) id - you are listening to "voice of pearl harbor..."  email address for special qsl.
0001 - speech by franklin Roosevelt "join me in prayer.... with god's blessing we shall prevail...."
0007 - newsreel reports of invasion (including unconfirmed german reports.. via associated press).
0010 - noise and interference makes audio unintelligible (sounds, tones, music?)
0013 - more coverage of invasion "landing allied armies... the allied expeditionary force...."

Please eQSL: fgc180@aol.com

Many thanks for remembering the anniversary!  And many thanks for the broadcast!

6940 kHz from 0035-0100 utc, june 5, 2015

in loud and clear here in Westchester County, New York.  started off strong but began to fade around 0045 and the audio was getting difficult to make out by 0055 (a combination of weather related noise and fading).
0035 la Marseille
0036 id "you are listening to radio casablanca..." + email address (many many thanks for this!)
0037 some dialog with bogart into blackbird song
0040 music - didn't recognize tune
0046 music "if it ain't got that swing"
0049 id + some dialog
0050 glen miller "in the mood"
0053 boogy woogy "bugle boy..."
0057 "don't sit under apple tree..."

thanks for the great tunes and broadcast!

pls eQSL: fgc180@aol.com

2330-39 utc 6935 kHz 31 may 2015 - radio Appalachia? never got clear id.  coming in around s5 here in Westchester county, new York.

2330 country western music - male vocal (dylanish twang)
2333 into cw tune - w/female vocal
2234 (dips to 6934, then back up to 35)
2237 garbled audio - male, possible id? into new tune
2239 cw tune...

at this point static and crashes from rain storm (and occasional thunder) made it unlistenable here.

pls eQSL: fgc180@aol.com
or QSL:
frank colella
217 broadway, #409
new York, ny 10007

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HFUnderground Mug
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