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Messages - Terry

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SIO 555
ID then What Am I Living For
Great signal

Been listening off and on today. 20 and 40. Haven't heard KM1CC and don't see any spots on the cluster --  http://dxsummit.fi/#/ 
Get someone to spot you when you are on the air.
Tnx & 73

SIO 444 here in SE Florida. Thanks for the show.

A first for me also. Not very strong, S3 to S4, about even with the noise. Some QSB.

Easy copy here in S Fla. 33333 then started to fade. Off briefly at 0012, now back at 13 with more music.

General Radio Discussion / SKCC Straight Key Sprintathon
« on: April 08, 2017, 1920 UTC »
Straight Key Century Club (SKCC)
Straight Key Sprintathon (Includes SWL catefory)

This weekend until 2359 UTC on Sunday.
Details here:

Some events focus on a theme or activity. Three popular themes that repeat each year are
Homebrew Keys, QRP, and Boat Anchors.
Themes tend to have special rules and scoring.

SKCC members who participate in the WES must use straight keys, sideswipers (cooties), or bugs.
Waivers from this policy are possible. For details, see the club's policy on approved keying
devices here. Because this event aims to include newcomers to CW as well as experience
brass-pounders, operating speed should be adjusted accordingly.

The sprintathon also has an entry category for shortwave listeners, who are cordially invited
to join the fun. Non-members are invited to take part as well.

For shortwave listeners:

You must copy at least one side of a WES QSO for a QSO point. If you copy both sides of a WES
exchanges, that counts as 2 QSO points. You can count the same station more than once only if
you copy that station's QSO on a different band -- one QSO per band. Note that some WES themes
may not allow SWL entrants to claim the theme-related bonus.


Participants may sprint on 160-6 meters, excluding the WARC bands (60, 30, 17, and 12 meters).
Suggested frequencies are on or around the SKCC calling frequencies: 1.820, 3.550, 7.055
and 7.114, 14.050, 21.050 and 21.114, 28.050 and 28.114, and 50.090 Mhz. The club's sked
page or other spotting tools are permitted for this event. Where two frequencies are listed
for the same band, score as one band. That is, if you contact W8BALL on 7.050 and on 7.114,
you can count only one of those contacts.

Listening on the iPhone on PA websdr. Great signal. Fell asleep in recliner listening to him troubleshoot audio. XYL thought I was nuts, woke me up and told me to go to bed. I went into the shack instead and turned on the real radio just as he got it all fixed. Great signal direct. Watch out for the scuds, Mr. Weed.
Can you come over now and fix my Ameritron amp?

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: GNK received in S. Fla. 13563.99
« on: April 03, 2017, 1851 UTC »
Indoor dipole? WOW
I am hearing it again this afternoon at 1850Z. Very weak, signal even with the noise. Had to resort to Spectran to confirm.

Why wasn't it named Fabilous Automated Report Transmitter?

I was pleasantly surprised with what 25 watts would do on 40 AM. Plan to be on again tonight. I was also pleased that my linear sounded OK. About 300 watts AL-84. Lots of Heathkit rigs and a number of converted broadcast transmitters out there. Fun times. It has been almost 50 years since my last AM contact.

Oh my, I hope it wasn't me.  8)
Worked Cape Cod last night with 25 watts on 40 M in the AM rally. I was pleased. Lots of activity on 40 and 80.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / GNK received in S. Fla. 13563.99
« on: March 30, 2017, 1848 UTC »
Good signal here since at least 1622Z. Still easy to copy at 1845Z. Not moving the meter in either USB or CW but EZ copy.
Edit: This was my first 22 meter spot. I will listen more often now.

About even with the noise here. Sounds like man and woman with laughter. Very hard to copy.

S7 peaking higher. Noise about an S5 so very good copy here in SE Fla. 

General Radio Discussion / Re: Morse Code Trainer
« on: March 24, 2017, 1304 UTC »
I can also recommend the free book "The Art and Skill of Radio Telegraphy". It is available as a free download here: http://cw.hfradio.org/cw_resources/The_Art_and_Skill_of_Radio_Telegraphy-3rd-edition.pdf

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