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Other / Re: 630 Meter Special Event 11/13/2016
« on: November 15, 2016, 0144 UTC »
Your welcome. I always have fun listening. I really need to build a 600 m antenna so I can try to copy on 600 meters. I monitored 472 kHz WSPR with just my 5 band vertical last night. Furthest of the 4 different stations copied  was in AZ at 3204 km.
I was looking around on the web today and found this report on the special event from one of the amateur experimental 630 meter stations. Long but interesting. You may have been copying some of that activity too.
See: http://njdtechnologies.net/111316/

Solid S7 peaking to S9. Great signal both frequencies tonight.

Right at or below the noise level. I can tell there is a station there but that is about it.

WOW! S9+10. What a signal tonight.
0153 Green Eyed Lady

General Radio Discussion / Re: 630 Meter Special Event Tomorrow
« on: November 13, 2016, 0139 UTC »
Instead of starting a new thread, figured I would just post reception report here.
0000Z 12808.5 KPH S3 with low noise, S0
0118Z 12808.5 KPH very weak, hard to copy with QSB
0127z 8642 kph 559, easy copy with signal improving as gray line moves west
7050 Just impossible to copy K6KPH if they are even trying, there must be a RTTY contest and it is wild.
14050 Nothing. 20M is dead.

at 0137 now have some QSB ON 8642 but still able to copy

HF Beacons / Re: LIXO CW 6917.6 0030 UTC 12 Nov 2016
« on: November 12, 2016, 0240 UTC »
0238Z Weak with some QSB but can copy.

General Radio Discussion / Re: 630 Meter Special Event Tomorrow
« on: November 12, 2016, 0207 UTC »
Here is the info on KPH and K6KPH from the MHRS newsletter:
I always have fun copying them on HF. Just to far away for LF.

> Mini Night of Nights - 12 November

For the last few years the MRHS has held a winter Mini Night of Nights event in cooperation with the groups working toward an amateur allocation in the MF portion of the spectrum.  These have been great fun for everyone involved so we look forward to mNoN 2016 on Saturday 12 November.

As in the past the MRHS 5kW signal on 500kc and 426kc will be heard - but this time signing KPH!

The mini-Night of Nights is an event centered around MF transmissions. KPH will extend its normal operating hours well into the evening and will make a special effort to keep 500kc and our MF working frequency (426kc) active to give listeners the best chance of hearing us.  Our HF channels will be active as well.  And the MRHS amateur station, K6KPH, will be guarding its usual channels for signal reports and regular contacts.

KPH will continue operations past 0000Z on these frequencies (in kc):

K6KPH will guard:


Numerous medium frequency experimental stations will also be active for this event. Our ops will tune the MF band to see which of these we can monitor.

Why not join us a KPH to share the fun? You're invited to visit with us at the receive site, 17400 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. in the Point Reyes National Seashore. See this...
The station telephone number is +1 415-669-9646 (answered only when the station is staffed).

Got a commercial radiotelegraph ticket? Sit the circuit at KPH and get your license endorsed as a coast station operator with our special endorsement stamp. Want to sit the circuit at K6KPH? No problem, no license required, just a working knowledge of Morse. If you have an amateur license bring that along and we'll endorse it for operation at K6KPH.

General Radio Discussion / 630 Meter Special Event Tomorrow
« on: November 12, 2016, 0203 UTC »
I was going to post something about Mini Night of Nights and then received this from ARRL:
(KPH and K6KPH will be on. See next comment for frequencies.)

ARLX016 Reminder: 630 Meter Berlin Treaty Commemorative Special
Event is Sunday, November 13 (UTC)

QST de W1AW 
Special Bulletin 16  ARLX016
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  November 11, 2016
To all radio amateurs

ARLX016 Reminder: 630 Meter Berlin Treaty Commemorative Special
Event is Sunday, November 13 (UTC)

Participants in the ARRL WD2XSH 630-meter experiment, Canadian radio
amateurs, and members of the Maritime Radio Historical Society
(MRHS) will join together for a special event operation on Sunday,
November 13 (UTC) on 630 meters (the evening of Saturday, November
12, in US time zones).

This event will commemorate International Radiotelegraph Conference,
held in Berlin in 1906 and attended by representatives of 29
nations, which made 500 kc the International Distress Frequency. The
conference produced the International Radiotelegraph Convention, the
forerunner to the ITU Radio Regulations.

US Part 5 Experimental licensees will operate in the 472-479 kHz
band, using CW for two-way contacts and beacons with commemorative
messages. There may also be some operation on 500 kHz.

"Canadian amateurs will also engage in QSOs in the 472-479 kHz
band," said ARRL 630-Meter Experiment Coordinator Fritz Raab, W1FR.
"They will also participate in cross-band QSOs with amateurs
operating on 160, 80, and 40 meters."

Canadian radio amateurs gained 630-meter privileges in 2014. A
proceeding that would grant similar privileges to US hams is still
awaiting FCC approval.

The Maritime Radio Historical Society will activate the KSM/KPH
transmitter in Bolinas, California, for a mini "Night of Nights,"
with special messages and bulletins.

Confirmed Canadian participants include:

VA7MM (Mark) CN89 Coquitlam, British Columbia
Time: 0400-0800 UTC (Sunday, November 13 UTC)
TX Frequency: 475.0 kHz
RX (QSX) Frequency: 1,801 kHz, 3,574 kHz, 7,062 kHz

VE7BDQ (John) CN89 Delta, British Columbia
Time: 0300-0700 UTC (Sunday, November 13 UTC)
TX Frequency: 474.0 kHz
RX (QSX) Frequency: 3,555 kHz

VE7CNF (Toby) CN89 Burnaby, British Columbia
Time: 0300-0800 UTC (Sunday, November 13 UTC)
TX Frequency: 476.5 kHz
RX (QSX) Frequency: 1,836 kHz, 3,558 kHz, 7,031 kHz

VE7SL (Steve) CN88 Mayne Island, British Columbia
Time: 0200-0700 UTC (Sunday, November 13 UTC)
TX Frequency: 473.0 kHz
RX (QSX) Frequency: 3,566 kHz, 7,066 kHz

VE7CA (Markus) CN89 North Vancouver, British Columbia
Time: 0200-0700 UTC (Sunday, November 13 UTC)
TX Frequency: 477.5.0 kHz
RX (QSX) Frequency: 1,820 kHz, 3,550 kHz, 7,048 kHz

VO1NA (Joe) GN37 Torbay, Newfoundland
Time: 2130-0130 UTC (Saturday, November 12/Sunday November 13 UTC)
TX Frequency: 477.7 kHz
RX (QSX) Frequency: 3,562 kHz

VE3OT (Mitch) EN92 London, Ontario
Time: 0000-0400 UTC (Sunday, November 13 UTC)
TX Frequency: 477.0 kHz
RX (QSX) Frequency: 3,563 kHz, 7,058 kHz

Software / Re: Amalgamated DGPS Software
« on: November 12, 2016, 0157 UTC »
Installed the software on one of my win 7 computers yesterday. Still using the Kenwood and HyGain but pretty good results so far. Cool stuff, I needed something to keep me from working DX on 40 at night. :) The bandwidth only allows receiving about 3 or 4 stations at a time though.

CONTESIA is a digital mode, available in FLDIGI. I use it all the time for some of the nets I check into. If they use TxId it will auto switch. We use 4/250.

Software / Re: Amalgamated DGPS Software
« on: November 09, 2016, 0156 UTC »
Thanks for the info. Quite a list in the LW forum. I listened a bit just now with my TS-480SAT and the HyGain vertical and was able to hear more stations than I thought I would be able to. Watching the signals on Spectran and they are pretty distinctive. I will see if my neighbor will let me run a long wire across the back of his property. :)

Software / Re: Amalgamated DGPS Software
« on: November 08, 2016, 2218 UTC »
Impressive software and some good DX. For those that may be interested, Card Sound Fl is at the SE tip of Florida.
What antenna were you using?

General Radio Discussion / Re: Halloween 2016 SW Pirate Activity
« on: November 02, 2016, 0014 UTC »
Fantastic Halloween night. I was just telling the XYL about it.
Thanks to all for some great shows!!!!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XFM 6960 AM 0042 UTC 1Nov16
« on: November 01, 2016, 0101 UTC »
Lots of noise here tonight but able to copy OK, 333 with QSB.
Thanks for the show tonight.

Good signal here, 2 to 3 S units above noise. Thanks for the show!

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