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Messages - Terry

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S9 here with some QRN and QSB. 5-4-4-4-4

Received at 2355 04-11-2018 low elevation pass (for me) over NE US. They are scheduled to be transmitting tomorrow also - later today Z time.
Don't know if they will be transmitting on next pass over SE US.

Software / Re: Fax decoding on your iPad
« on: April 07, 2018, 0219 UTC »
Good demo of the app. I ended up watching the rest of the video - it was interesting. Thanks.

Great signal here in SE Fla - S9+10 Conditions seem to be really good tonight.
A 8 K 1 SN 11

As received in S Fla. Great copy
Great show. Thanks

 Solid copy - 10 over 9 with good audio, as usual. Thanks for the show.
ID at 0028Z "Wolverine Radio"

Good signal - a couple S units above the noise.

Huge signal here   S9+20

General Radio Discussion / Re: KPH Returns to Air - MHRS
« on: March 31, 2018, 0055 UTC »
Another update received yesterday, 3/29. Excerpts:

Additional KPH and K6KPH Frequencies Return to the Air

After three days of intensive repair and restoration work in the antenna field at the Bolinas transmit site we are happy to report that all KPH, KFS and K6KPH Morse frequencies will return to the air on Saturday 31 March.
Note: The Marconi T antenna has been repaired allowing KPH to return to MF.
We will provide full derails and photos in the next issue of the MRHS Newsletter (subscribe HERE if you are not already receiving the Newsletter) but we wanted to let you know that all KPH and K6KPH Morse frequencies will be active starting Saturday 31 March.  We look forward to your reports and to your contacts with K6KPH.
Here's a list of the KPH, KFS and K6KPH Morse frequencies that will be active.  Note that classic Heavy Iron transmitters will be used on selected frequencies:


6477.5 (1950s vintage RCA "K" set transmitter)
22447.5 (1950s vintage RCA T3 "H" set transmitter)


12695.5 (1942 Press Wireless PW 15 transmitter)



Morse press will begin at 1000pdt (1700z) on KPH and KFS.  KPH and KFS will stand by for calls from ships beginning at 1200pdt (1900z).  K6KPH will be available for calls beginning at 1200pdt (1900z).

There will be no RTTY transmissions this weekend but we plan to restore those frequencies to operation too as soon as we can.

Note: Info on subscribing to newsletter on their website http://radiomarine.org/

Very weak with QSB, Can pick out some words on peaks

0052Z signal improved and heard a Lucky Strike commercial.

General Radio Discussion / Re: KPH Returns to Air - MHRS
« on: March 24, 2018, 1857 UTC »
UPDATE: Very good copy on the two 12 MHz frequencies this afternoon here (2500 miles). Solid 599. 17 MHz fair copy with intermittent OTH radar (I think. Reminded me of the old woodpecker). 8642 poor to no copy.

General Radio Discussion / KPH Returns to Air - MHRS
« on: March 17, 2018, 0028 UTC »
Received this in an email this afternoon. Good news. Information also at their website. 1000 to 1200 Pacific local time.

KPH, KFS and K6KPH Return To The Air on Saturday 17 March (MRHS) - The crack MRHS Transmitter Department announced today that after a long absence from the air stations KPH, KFS and K6KPH will return, at least partially, on Saturday 17 March. On-air operations were suspended some months ago due to antenna maintenance issues. Some of those issues have now been resolved with the result that a partial return to operation is now possible. Listen for KPH, KFS and K6KPH on these Morse frequencies:

KPH 8642.0
KPH 12808.5
KPH 17016.8

KFS 12695.5

K6KPH 14050

We expect continued operation on these frequencies each Saturday with more to be added as additional antenna problems are resolved.
VY 73,

Hearing a very faint signal but unable to copy, can just tell there is some music about even with the noise. Some QSB so maybe it will improve.

QSLs Received / Re: XFM eQSL
« on: February 18, 2018, 0125 UTC »
Received this QSL this evening. Many thanks, Red Hat.

QSLs Received / Re: XFM eQSL
« on: February 07, 2018, 0126 UTC »
I also received the fireworks / Statue of Liberty one Skipmuck posted for a reception report on 1-2-16. Many thanks RedHat. Darn good looking card.

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