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Messages - Terry

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10/11 meters / 10 Meters
« on: October 21, 2017, 1945 UTC »
10 meters has been open to S. America the past couple of days. Worked some ft8 yesterday and SSB this afternoon. Bonaire, Brazil and Argentina. Chile heard but not as strong as the others.

Can just tell there is a station there. Could be gray line for you. The sun is up there now but if conditions are anything like this morning on 40 it is probable. The VKs were booming in here up to an hour after sunrise.

Equipment / Re: Using a Mixing Console in the Radio Shack
« on: October 15, 2017, 0102 UTC »
Rob, many thanks for making the video. Exactly what I was looking for, how to use the mixer in a practical ham shack application. Most of the videos online are for musicians. Not my thing - I have been told I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Hi Hi

Fair amount of noise and QSB here. SSTV at 0037 with noise bars and then QSB caused the picture to reset. Blue Eyes and Pee Wee Was Here.
Then off.

Well above the noise here. ID at 0053, WQLD New York's Progressive Giant.

Not moving the S meter but easy copy now. Wasn't able to copy about 20 min ago. My noise level tonight is the lowest I have ever seen. checked things over to see what was wrong - nothing just low noise. SSTV transmission now but once again I was not ready...

If it weren't for the peskies on LSB it would be easy copy.   >:(

Just above the noise for me with QSB.

Decent copy but fair amount of noise. Probably a 3-3-3 here.

He was spotted on 7181 just now. Very weak here in S Fl but I hear others working him. Got a bit of a pileup going.

Great signal
Only received about half the first picture since I was to slow. I was ready for this one.

Quite a nice signal for 1 KW AM from Mexico City (per shortwaveschedule.com). Really nice Mexican music, quite differenc from what you usually don't hear.

555 in SE Fla. Great big band sound. Thanks for the music.

Equipment / Re: Two New Videos - Preparing for Your Next DXpedition
« on: September 24, 2017, 1246 UTC »
Rob, thanks for the response. Looking forward to the video.

Equipment / Re: Two New Videos - Preparing for Your Next DXpedition
« on: September 19, 2017, 0140 UTC »
After watching those videos (which were great) I watched the one on your shack. I noted you had a Behringer mixer. How is it working out in the shack? Any chance of doing a video about it? I found several videos on it but none in a hamshack.

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HFUnderground Mug
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