Huh? / A legit FM station on 87.7MHz? Really??? Franken FM?
« on: February 17, 2025, 1825 UTC »
https://radioinsight.com/headlines/292226/core-radio-group-launches-87-7-the-vibe-atlanta/ Interesting, if this FREQ is really true. A nice, clean, FREQ to be on, but just how many FM receivers in the USA can actually receive this? I-duh-know... It caught my attention. Am I missing something? In theory, you should be able to listen to this on an analog, NTSC TV, with mechanical TV channel tuner. Albeit, the audio maybe loud and distorted, with TV audio deviation being +/-25kHz, to FM BC's +/-75kHz.
UPDATE: This could explain it, a Franken-FM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_6_radio_stations_in_the_United_States
UPDATE: This could explain it, a Franken-FM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_6_radio_stations_in_the_United_States