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Messages - ThaDood

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Huh? / A legit FM station on 87.7MHz? Really??? Franken FM?
« on: February 17, 2025, 1825 UTC »
https://radioinsight.com/headlines/292226/core-radio-group-launches-87-7-the-vibe-atlanta/     Interesting, if this FREQ is really true. A nice, clean, FREQ to be on, but just how many FM receivers in the USA can actually receive this? I-duh-know... It caught my attention. Am I missing something? In theory, you should be able to listen to this on an analog, NTSC TV, with mechanical TV channel tuner. Albeit, the audio maybe loud and distorted, with TV audio deviation being +/-25kHz, to FM BC's +/-75kHz. 
UPDATE: This could explain it, a Franken-FM.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_6_radio_stations_in_the_United_States

Huh? / Re: The History of UHF TV in America? Oh, UHF, the movie?
« on: February 14, 2025, 1748 UTC »
While I'm at it, remember the Weird Al flick that ripped the UHF TV thang years ago? Wellllllllllllllllllllll...      https://tubitv.com/movies/305029/uhf

Huh? / New Options for Pirates and LPFM? Another RW rip.
« on: February 14, 2025, 1743 UTC »
https://www.radioworld.com/columns-and-views/new-options-for-pirates-and-lpfm     Actual, stumbled on this one on my own. (Oooooooooooooo...)

https://www.radioworld.com/news-and-business/wjlx-returns-to-1240-am-after-tower-theft    Boomer, alerted me to this story. Looks like they are back on-air. Hopefully, they've invested into some kind of security system.

Huh? / The History of UHF TV in America?
« on: February 11, 2025, 2105 UTC »
Being one who's worked for a UHF TV station, for like 7 years, I can appreciate this site.    https://uhfhistory.com/index.html

Equipment / Stripped-down Nextel-like HT's? Well, at least intriguing.
« on: February 06, 2025, 2002 UTC »
https://rapidradios.com/?view=abconvert-index-WU8xc6vs   I've heard about these advertised on C2C AM, and I've had friends ask me just how would these work? My guess was right, they won't work in a totally dead cell area. There are like a stripped-down version of how Nextel made their cell flip-phones with that Walkie-Talkie function. That said, they do seem to offer a VHF / UHF HT.  https://rapidradios.com/products/my-emergency-radio-emergency-vhf-uhf-radio  Doesn't seem to be much INFO on these, but must be like Beofangs? (Speculating here...) Still, intriguing...

That's not all that's there. A friend of mine alerted me to a Speak-Repeater on 27.195MHz AM. It's one of those devices, that connects any transceiver's Mic & Audio OUT, records up to 30sec of audio, and re-transmits it back. Radio Shack sold one and so did MFJ. So, not far fetched that someone would put one to a CB.

Huh? / More RW rips on AM Boosters and AM Noise Levels? Um, yeah...
« on: February 05, 2025, 1816 UTC »
I don't subscribe to Radio World, but apparently Boomer does. And, when he find interesting stuff e-mailed to him, he has a tendency to share those. What's nice about that is it filters down to mainly the most interesting articles, like this one on AM Sync Boosters.  https://www.radioworld.com/tech-and-gear/synchronous-ams-long-and-tortuous-history    BTW, on-FREQ Boosters have also been used on FM, but I don't hear about their use today anymore. Mainly, just the litter of off-FREQ translators.
The other article is a 'know-schytt Sherlock' conclusion that pretty much most of us would come to upon AM noise.   https://www.radioworld.com/news-and-business/nrsc-releases-details-of-am-band-rf-noise-study  This big difference, someone got paid to do this study, and we didn't.   

Since the 1990's, I've been advised to put 151.625MHz FM in my scanners, since that FREQ seems to have lots of various activity. Indeed, it does. So much so, it's surprised me that the FCC didn't make it one of the license-free MURS Band channels. The MURS Channels were taken from those licensed VHF High Band color-dot FREQ's back around 2002, but Red Dot FREQ 151.625MHz, wasn't one of them. Here, in WV, I know that the tower workers are working in the middle of the night, on that now empty 600ft TV tower a mile behind me. When I would hear them on 151.625MHz, super strong signal, sure enough, I would see LED flash lights going up & down that tower. More recently, I hear a lot of mobile traffic from RT. 64. I even heard what sounded like Japanese spoken on there. Now, I have to question, is this still even a licensed VHF FREQ in the USA?   https://forums.radioreference.com/threads/itinerant-freq-151-625.307176/       So, what do y'all hear on that FREQ?

10/11 meters / Re: CB: Motor Mouth Maul... A CH 28 staple for years.
« on: February 04, 2025, 1636 UTC »
This dude's been a staple on CB CH28 AM for years, but more recently he's been on the Superbowl CH6, and CH11. I've even heard him on the Highway CH19. I've yet to hear him on the LSB channels. My question is, does he actually hear anyone coming back to him, or is he all alligator? I've never been able to work him, and I don't know anyone else who has either. Huh... 

Propagation / Letter: Sporadic E Affects TV Signals, Too? An RW rip...
« on: February 02, 2025, 1709 UTC »
Boomer, alerted me to this RW article.    https://www.radioworld.com/global/letter-sporadic-e-affects-tv-signals-too       I miss TV Sporadic "E" DX'ing, but can still do it on FM. Plus, Tropo DX can still be had on VHF High Band and UHF TV Channels. When you hear a band opening, like distant 162MHz Weather Stations, do a re-scan on your TV off-air, with an antenna. It might surprise you of just what you might see, and how far.

Part 15 AM and FM Station Operation / Re: Ernie's book? YEA!!!!!!!
« on: January 28, 2025, 1737 UTC »
Thank you tybee!!!! Good find. Never found it on-line in the past. Good to know that it's out there now. Being 1979, everything radio-wise is still useful today, at the transmitter and Couplers end. Everything else, can have the 21 century touch. Hopefully, Steam Powered Radio will stay up there.

Well, the book that I really want to get-out and scan .PDF, page, by page, is the 1979 version of Ernest Wilson's - Carrier-Current Broadcasting : The Wired, Wireless. That's how I modeled my AM Carrier-Current Stations after. Ernie, really knew his stuff as well. I wish that Kinkos was still around, since they were great for project like that. We'll see...

http://www.gbppr.net/scanner/dsp40/index.html   I bought one of these at a hamfest, in the late 1990's, for $5.00. I couldn't turn that down, since the components themselves are at least worth that. As with everyone else who has tried one, the results are not that impressive, but my take is that it's great for taking out HET's when someone tunes-up on the FREQ that you want to QSO on. Anyway, after sitting in a bin for like 20-some years, it was time to take yet another look at this unit, and see if there were any modifications to be done with it. Apparently so... I'm going to try these.

http://www.gbppr.net/lpfm/Low_Power_Radio_Broadcasting.pdf    Don't know why link is listed as LPFM, it's more LPAM, and then some. This dude knew his stuff, so download this, while ya can. Lots of good INFO on "How-to's!" in here.

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