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Messages - ThaDood

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Doesn't this SWLing rip bring you back to 1978?     https://swling.com/blog/2021/03/the-sony-fx-300-jackal-a-holy-grail-technological-marvel-of-the-late-70s/     Actually, the Sony that I'd like to have in my collection is that rare mid-70's, large AM / FM / SW , with SSB / CW, portable with LED digital read-out. Model # escapes me. Anyway, I've taken TV portables, like the preceding, to hilltops and did some neat TV DX'ing +30 years ago. +120 miles away, even on UHF, could be had. I still have a knock-off, Unisonic 5" B&W TV only portable from 1979, that I like to show-off to kids today. Many of them, seeing B&W TV for the very 1st time. Damn... I still remember when having a color TV was a big deal. 

Amateur Radio / RUSSIAN DX CONTEST - 2021, Weekend of 3/21.
« on: March 15, 2021, 1857 UTC »
Could make for some neat, rare, contacts this weekend:           http://www.rdxc.org/asp/pages/rulesg.asp?fbclid=IwAR13N0guKg6aQtxbuYL5q3IDv8WlrJrBhrMqyhxTjzxMe2pUQTQfG4JPL3Q

Huh? / WLW 700AM marks 100 Years this Dec. 2021!
« on: March 14, 2021, 1858 UTC »
Yeah, another rip from SWLing links:    https://www.wvxu.org/post/wlw-am-begins-100th-year-air#stream/0

A nice read on the history of WLW is the C1971 book, by Dick Perry, “Not Just A Sound, The Story Of WLW” . You may still find that in libraries and used book stores.  BTW, this is the station that tested at 500kW in the 1930's, so an interesting history, indeed.

Yeah... On the drive home from work, along with the usual Cuban and Pensacola 1620's, was another one jammin' Iron Maiden tunage. (You just can't mistake Bruce Dickinson's vocals.) No ID out of that, then squashed even more by my Part #15 AM1620, when I'd gotten in range, jammin' the local LPFM station here. I duh-know... That was different.   

       Even on the Windom, late nights, after midnight, I'll tune down to 60kHz and check WWVB's signal strength. On good night, I get it at S+30/9. Then, there are nights where it's just barely above the S7 - S9 noise levels. That Atomic Clock, a fairly cheap Chinese ceiling project clock that I have, switched to DST before midnight this time for the Spring Ahead +1hr. (Interesting.) Hey, I actually don't mind my tax $$$$ paying for this. Better than what our tax $$$$ usually goes for, but I'll digress, this time.

Cassettes are certainly a main point in free radio history, so an interesting read for those of us that grew up in the late 60's, the 70's, 80's, and even through the 90's.    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/amid-cassette-tape-creators-death-we-remember-his-legacy-%e2%80%93-the-mixtape/ar-BB1euz4i?ocid=mailsignout&li=BBnb7Kz

Then, there's this link:     https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2021/03/dutch-inventor-of-the-audio-cassette-tape-dies-aged-94/?

Ripped from SWLing, again:     https://swling.com/blog/2021/03/48008/

Amateur Radio / ARRL DX Phone Contest this weekend 3/6 - 3/7/2021.
« on: March 04, 2021, 1951 UTC »
Well, this is one way to find out on whether the upper HF bands are jammin', or not,    http://www.arrl.org/arrl-dx?fbclid=IwAR0xHumMWuNdREFrf2Fa7OIxhO7CslPC0ET4774YtAiUtOnBZ1aLBz2Av7g

Huh? / The Space Nation of Asgardia? Um, OK... Can we DX it?
« on: February 28, 2021, 2022 UTC »
https://asgardia.space/en/      Sure... Why not??? Question is, can we somehow DX this? Who knows... Someday, they may become the ultimate DX.

Yeah... I've done that with a smart phone, tablet, and the studio computer, but the net radio has much warmer, harshless, audio. Must be a better D/A converter in them, where as the other devices can do D/A audio, but it must be more of an after thought. That, and a net radio will try to reconnect to a stream that momentarily drops. The other devices do not seem too, but must have the streams reset manually. Hmmmmm... You would suspect that there could be a quick software upgrade to correct that in the other devices, but then again, these other devices are not really marketed towards broadcasters, where you want to link, stream, air, walk away, and hopefully forget it.

Software / Kenwood TS-2000 EQ, various software and settings.
« on: February 23, 2021, 2055 UTC »
Uh... The settings are in HEX? I haven't had to deal with that, since the late 1990's, when I had to deal with Toshiba CRT Test Machine Industrial Settings. But, for those of y'all being software tech savvy, and want the ultimate TS-2000 EQ controlling for both RX and TX, here you are,  http://dl7cg.wunstorf-luthe.de/ts2000eq/ 

Huh? / Format changes to stations in 2021? Here's a few.
« on: February 22, 2021, 2038 UTC »

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