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Messages - ThaDood

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MW Loggings / Re: WGN 720 AM 0751 UTC 27 Nov 2020
« on: December 07, 2020, 1830 UTC »
I've listened to that older dude in the evenings on 720WGN. He gets a lot of calls from the Upper Michigan Penninsula. He'll even talk about radio stuff, classic jocks, kick-ass receivers of the 50's and 60's, and even other stations.

FM Free Radio / Tis the season for X-mas Display Part #15 stations!
« on: December 05, 2020, 0742 UTC »
Anyone hearing FM stations to go with monster whole yard displays? A dude here is back on 101.3FM stereo with X-mas tunage. True Part #15 range, MAX's out about 1/8th mile in both directions.

Propagation / Re: Solar cycle 25 . Very interesting? I have my doubts.
« on: December 05, 2020, 0726 UTC »
Well, tell ya what, propagation at night this week has just sucked on the amateur bands. Even down on MW. I usually have to drive pretty close to my QTH to hear my Part #15 AM1620 at night, due to Cuba and Pensacola, FL duking it out on 1620kHz, but not this week. And the HAM's that I do hear on the regular chit-chat FREQ's, (1880Khz, 3810Khz, 3919Khz, 3995Khz, etc.), are bitching up a storm that they have trouble hearing each other. I have to use the preamps on 40M to hear the normal decent 6, 7, upper 0, and Western 5, lands. I just hope for a nice "E" season for 12M, 11M, 10M, and 6M.

The RF Workbench / Re: 22 meter low pass filter design
« on: December 05, 2020, 0715 UTC »
Well, yeah!!!! Just copy the one that I made for this 13.560MHz milliwatt TX,     http://boomerthedog.net/13560.html   Scroll down to the bottom for the two page .PDF schematic, then check-out the Chebychev Filter that's at the end of Q3, and between TP3 and TP4, on the LPF Board. All built from salvaged parts as well. Good luck!!!

Huh... Not everyone has an E-mail address out there. Especially, those that are off-grid.    http://www.arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive/ARLB038/2020

And, what an F'n waste. I'd rather have my tax $$$$$ pay for that, than BS overseas wars. Hopefully, Greenbank will still keep rockin',   https://public.nrao.edu/telescopes/300-foot-telescope/

CONGRAT's!!!!!!!! Well, the Winter Sporadic "E" season will be jammin' in a couple of weeks, albeit 10M maybe open up anytime in December. Also, if you have a decent scanner that can do 29MHz, punch in 29.600MHz FM Simplex, and the 10M repeater FREQ's, 29.620MHz, 29.640MHz, 29.660MHz, and 29.680MHz. Then, you might find local USB 10M chit-chatters around 28.400MHz. Tis the season.

MW Loggings / Re: CHLO 530 AM Brampton ON 2215 UTC 29 Nov 2020
« on: December 03, 2020, 2123 UTC »
Being that low in FREQ, they have an incredible footprint. In the daytime, you can hear them all the way past the Elmira / Corning / Ithaca area.

MW Loggings / Re: EDM on 1580kHz? This might explain.
« on: December 03, 2020, 2107 UTC »
Ah-ha!!! https://radioinsight.com/headlines/201628/cd-returns-in-columbus-on-92-9/
Laugh In German soldier says, "Very interesting."

Surprised this dude didn't mention the Heathkit HW QRP transceiver series. I had a chance to check-out an HW-8 when a friend asked me to repair the TX side of it. Easy fix, and didn't really need a schematic, but still found the bad diode in it. Trying out myself, before giving it back, I thought that to be a neat kit, with a pretty decent receiver on it. I'd take one today.

MW Loggings / EDM on 1580kHz?
« on: December 03, 2020, 2006 UTC »
Propagation just sucked on lower HF bands last night, so DX'ed MW. Surprised to hear a progressive EDM format on 1580AM, booming in at S+20/9. The only promo that I heard was, "CD 92-9". No doubt, (Minus Gwen Steffani.), a dump-off from an FM station. But, which one??? Heard this best at 07:30UTC, 12/3/2020. Any clues??? Neat to hear this format on the AM band, with a format not unlike the 'ol mystery pirate WMPR.

Huh? / WBCQ programs now using Archive.org.
« on: December 01, 2020, 2019 UTC »
COOL!!!! Kindda' sucked that I couldn't download Allan Weiner Wide-Wide and Radio Timtron as well. However, looks like they've moved over to Arichive.org,   https://archive.org/details/@splatterbox3200    Plenty of other WBCQ programs there as well. (YEA!!!!)

Amateur Radio / Santa Nets are back. Tis the season.
« on: November 30, 2020, 1748 UTC »
They're back! The Santa Nets on 3916Khz,   https://www.cqsanta.com/  It's neat listening to them coordinate those.

Weather / Re: bye bye warm weather
« on: November 30, 2020, 0622 UTC »
I'll welcome the cold snap, if it will clear out the T-storms that keep trashing the LF, MW, and lower HF, bands.

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns