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Messages - KaySeeks

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Elvis is everywhere, man.

You know what though? I find it ironic that I have listened to to this station two or three times and I have yet to hear any Elvis Presley songs there.  ;D

Moderate amounts of QRN (static crashes) and weak signal made it difficult to copy.
Announcements in what sounded like Dutch or English by a female immediately before TX off at 1845 UTC.

Unfortunately they turned off the TX before I had a chance to investigate what this is. short-wave.info says 4835 KHz (not 4838) is either Ozy Radio (Australia), which is 24 hours/day or AIR Gangtok, but neither of these fit, unless both their schedules and frequencies have changed.

Peskies / Scandinavians 6230 USB 1830 UTC 10 Sept 2019
« on: September 10, 2019, 1842 UTC »
I'm hearing a back and forth between two males in a Scandinavian language, more likely to be Norwegian or Swedish than Finnish or Danish. This was heard on several German SDRs. Conversation completed by 1835 UTC.

There is data QRM in the background and at first I confused that as sounding like boat engine noise during a long transmission being made by one of the operators. However, after I started hearing back and forth between two operators and the the noise not changing during the back and forth, I realized that it was unrelated to the conversation.

Nothing heard at 2028. Still there?

SINPO 45444 on an SDR in northern Germany with pop music at 1948 UTC.

1956 - Announcements in English with ID and email address.

Some Russian-speaking peskies zero-beat on their USB, making comments about music. You can hear them turn up their microphone gain and compression to try to overcome the music, then the peskies switched to 3900 USB.

2010 - Announcements in English, Dutch and German with greetings to listeners and email address.
2116 - TX off the air.

Signal is not so great in northern Germany. The signal must be skipping right over. SINPO 23222.
TX off at 1839.

SINPO 34433 on an SDR in northern Germany. Very deep selective fading as I write this. Data signal occupied bandwidth starts ~+3.2 KHz above their carrier.

1818 Squeeze "Pulling Muscles from a Shell".
1821 Announcement that this is Radio Waves.
1945 Replays of FRS German programming from April 21, 1999

1625 Usual programming. Poor signal in Germany this afternoon.

The usual stuff.

Good signal on SDR in Germany at 2058 UTC. SINPO 42234. QRM from a "sweeper" on ~5147 Khz

Good signal on SDR in Germany at 2056 UTC with dance music. SINPO 43334.

Pretty weak in Germany. Occasional splatter from 3920 KHz.

2006 Long announcement by male, in what I believe to be Turkish.
2018 Possibly ID in Turkish
2027 A few words in Dutch by same announcer but with Turkish accent (of course), then back to Turkish. I wonder if this is a relay of an online radio station.
2029 Announcements with mentions of T-mobile in Dutch.
2037 "Biryam Radio" ?
2100 Dutch "Dit is Radio Zwolle"   (obviously a relay)   https://www.rtvzwollefm.nl/
2102 TX off the air in the middle of a jingle.

;D Dude, if  U are using a SDR that could be a " birdie" also called a spur. I have that issue with my SDR and it gets worse at night when signals are strong.

Hey Dude,

Let me present an opposing view:

1) All these different people located across a wide area, all using different receivers (different manufacturers thus different designs) are hearing it. That says that it is very unlikely to be a spur generated in a receiver. These sorts of spurs tend to be particular to a certain make and model of receiver and can be location specific - it all depends upon the input IP3 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-order_intercept_point) of the receiver circuit and the input level at the receiver input, thus a function of the the circuit, antenna, location, propagation, etc. A Sony ICF-xxxx will have a different input IP3 than a Drake, etc. and then the spurs will show up in a different place. Pretty unlikely that everybody will have the same type and level of spur.

2) It's unnecessary since WBCQ has admitted to doing it at this point, but someone could also do TDoA on the Kiwi network and if the algorithm resolves to a location, it's also very unlikely to be a spur in the Kiwi SDR.

Per previously announced schedule: https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,57563.0.html

7700 is SINPO 44344 in southern Germany at 1658.
5810 is SINPO 34333 in southern Germany at 1658.

Spy Numbers / Re: v24
« on: September 01, 2019, 1552 UTC »
Open carrier for a few minutes then music just started at 1530.
"Easy listening"-type song with female vocalist for few minutes then into five number/letter groups read by a computerized voice. I can't recognize the language due to high QRN
SINPO 33132 on SDR in Hungary due to QRN in central Europe now.
Carrier off by 1541 UTC.

Priyom indicates that this was likely V24 from South Korea.

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