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Messages - JimIO

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"If they replaced the meter assembly with one to support remote monitoring, it is conceivable they could have  included a 200 Amp relay in there."

That's what I was asking about. I can't find anything that says they do that, and no one has posted any links.


10/11 meters / Re: 11 meters CB for prepping?
« on: December 13, 2019, 0026 UTC »
If I was a prepper I'd go with twitter or youtube.    8)


So there's a 200 amp relay in the meters now? I can't find anything.


Huh? / Re: ACLU reads holiday greets
« on: December 11, 2019, 0203 UTC »
Hey! Share some of that with Fox News, Infowars, the GOP...    8)


The RF Workbench / Re: AD9833_SPI
« on: December 10, 2019, 0355 UTC »
"9833 is available very cheap from CH on a PCB with a clock etc, just check eBay."

Every electronics hobbyist should know about ebay.    8)


The RF Workbench / Re: AD9833_SPI
« on: December 06, 2019, 0456 UTC »
One reason to not use a microcontroller is that I don't like the arduino IDE.
If what I'm trying to do now does not work I may try using the USBASP as a controller. It has an ATmeg8 chip on it. Also I found this tonight:


I like command line stuff!


The RF Workbench / Re: AD9833_SPI
« on: December 05, 2019, 0054 UTC »
I have a USBASP USBISP adapter with 10 Pin Cable:


I figuered out how to talk to it with:

avrdude -c usbasp -P usb -v -t -F -p t4

Next step is get out the soldering iron and wire up the AD9833 module:



General Radio Discussion / Re: FCC approves all digital AM
« on: December 04, 2019, 1840 UTC »
Antenna phaser system needs to be a closed loop of coaxial transsmision line with a reject port. Like a ring hybrid.    8)


"you guys know the utility can shut down your electric service remotely now right?"

Post a link! I won't hold my breath waiting...


Guess I missed the show when Alex Jones 'splained how smart meters work.    8)


Equipment / Re: SMA adapter
« on: November 26, 2019, 2029 UTC »
The MLA30 Biasing Tee Outline.pdf schematic shows a potentiometer between the antenna and receiver connectors. USPS says mine should be here tomorrow.


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