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Messages - East Troy Don

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VOA Deewa targeting Afghanistan @ 16:24z 12035 khz  14 Oct23 with YL monologue in Pashto until 16:27 .UNID music until 16:31 then back to the host.

Weak with heavy QRN bursts: Tecsun PL990x  / Alpha Delta full sloper

Vatican Radio targeting Middle East with English broadcast @ 16:15Z  on 15595 khz.   YL hosting news segment with interviews focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian war.

SINPO: 22322

Lousy signal RFI targeting East Africa @ 15:50Z 14IOct23.  OM/YL dialogue.

SINPO:  22122

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: WJHR 15550 USB 1500 utc 14Oct23
« on: October 14, 2023, 1531 UTC »
I get WJHR  with steady  regularity and a pretty steady, moderate strength signal up most straight due north (355 degrees) 842 miles Milton Fl to here in East Troy Wi.

Chinese service to Western Europe via Madagascar.   Religious hymns in English with Chinese commentary.

SINPO: 33233   AZ: 325

Shortwave Broadcast / CRI 13670 khz @ 2100 Z 12Oct23
« on: October 12, 2023, 2108 UTC »
ID @ TOH then into (what sounded like) a  Chinese language lesson program  with intermittent comments and clarification from a OM moderator in Croatian.

SINPO: 32232  targeting Southern Europe via Beijing.

Shortwave Broadcast / IBRA Radio 17590 khz @ 15:04Z 12Oct23
« on: October 12, 2023, 1517 UTC »
Bengali service targeting South Asia via Tashkent . YL/YM engaging in spirited dialogue.   Weak @ this time  (10:04 CDT Local).

SINPO: 22232

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: RADIO TAMAZUJ 17605 khz @ 15:05Z 24Aug23
« on: October 12, 2023, 1447 UTC »
 Radio Tamazuj uncharacteristically strong here for the 2nd day in a row on 17605 khz @ 14:31 Z in Arabic dialect with YL dialogue.

SINPO: 45454+  / Tecsun PL880 / 25' reel indoors

SINPO: 32232  on 21550 khz @ 14:50Z with music.
YM / YL hosting in French

"OSAMA" by Zakes Bantwini & Kasango

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: CRI 15590 1220utc 28Sept23
« on: October 11, 2023, 1442 UTC »
44344 English service to Europe 15590 khz via Urumqui 14:35 UTC .   YL/YM dialogue on impacts of social media

Shortwave Broadcast / BBC 25700 khz @ 14:20Z 11OCT23
« on: October 11, 2023, 1427 UTC »
BBC Hausa service targeting West Africa via Santa Maria di Galeria. OM interviewing

SINPO: 33333 ICOM R75 / Alpha Delta full Sloper.  09:20 CDT local

MW Loggings / WRVA 1140 khz Richmond, VA
« on: October 02, 2023, 0132 UTC »
Very clear signal tonite @ 0120 utc with an in-depth interview with a US veteran of the Afghan War on the Tecsun 330/whip.
13:26 commercial block.
ID @ 01:29:48 utc

32233  on 17725 khz @ 13:49 Z 27Sept23:  Adventist World Radio  with Ublabub service to Southeast Asia via Madagascar on the Tecsun PL330/Whip

Tentative Radio Taiwan International via Kouhu, Taiwan broadcasting head-to-head with CNR1 Jammer via Fujang.  Both signals very weak slightly above the noise with severe modulation issues. Both broadcasting voice narrative, no music.

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Prague 9955 AM 0215 UTC 17 SEP 2023
« on: September 17, 2023, 0224 UTC »
Spanish service to Latin America via WRMI.  Classical music selections:

0215z:  MAZURKA #17 in B FLAT MINOR, Opus 24, #4

SINPO: 43444

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