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Messages - Dave Richards

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HF Beacons / Some Loggings From The Eastern Sierras
« on: November 02, 2021, 1903 UTC »
I recently returned from a campervan trip in the Eastern Sierras in California. All following loggings were taken while standing outside with the set-top whip. Frequencies are approximate, though should be to within a few tens of Hz, due to the difficulty in zero-beating this receiver when in CW mode.

Desert Whooper on 4095.65. I almost didn't bother to include loggings for this beacon, as it was a given I was going to hear it. My only criticism of DW is that it is radiating so well, that it's not exactly that hard to hear. Not much of a challenge  ;D

Travertine Hot Springs - 10/20 0217z BAT 13.1 OTMP 65 ITMP 72 PV 0
                                    10/20 0226z BAT 13.0 OTMP 66 ITMP 71 PV 0
                                    10/20 0230z BAT 13.0 OTMP 64 ITMP 71 PV 0
All above loggings were an S unit or two above noise.

Mono Lake South Shore - 10/22 0025z BAT 13.2 OTMP 76 ITMP 82 PV 106 ~ 1 S unit above noise level.
                                     10/22 0030z BAT 13.1 OTMP 76 ITMP 82 PV 106 ~ 2 S units above noise level.
                                     10/22 0035z BAT 13.2 OTMP 77 ITMP 82 PV 68 ~ 2 S units above noise level.
                                     10/23 2156z BAT 13.7 OTMP 74 ITMP 84 PV 4 ~ 2 S units above noise level with QSB.
                                     10/23 2201z BAT 14.0 OTMP 73 ITMP 84 PV 4 ~ 2 S units above noise level with QSB.

Windy on 4102.85

Travertine Hot Springs - 10/20 0244z TMP 66 B 12.0 A few S units above the noise.
                                    10/20 1150z TMP 80 B 11.9 At noise level, with very slow QSB that occasionally brought it significantly above the noise level.

Mono Lake South Shore - 10/22 0020z TMP 81 B 11.7 A little above noise level with some QSB.

Madonna on 4097.23 Fast dasher

Travertine Hot Springs - 10/20 1120z At the noise level. Disappeared below it about 7 minutes later.
                                    10/25 2013z on 4097.21 (my best estimate) ~S1 but clear.

Undetermined Beacon(s)

Independence, CA - 10/23 2205z ~4095.95 slow dasher, about 3 seconds on and 3 seconds off. At 2225, it started coming in stronger.
                              At same time as above, a beacon on ~4095.86. Sounds like fairly long dashes. Very weak with QSB.
My guess is that the first beacon was Coxie, and the second one Buddha. It's possible my frequency measurement was off by a few tens of Hz.

Alabama Hills near Lone Pine - 10/25 2020z ~4095.85 ~3 or 4 second dashes, with ~ 2 seconds between each dash. Just above noise but clear. Am thinking this was Coxie.

I also logged the Part 15 beacon FJB from the Alabama Hills, and have reported it in the Part 15 forum.

For outings like these, I need a small and portable receiver, with accurate frequency readout, and a built-in spotting tone. As I see it, the only option is a KX2. I want something I can slip in my pocket and go on a walk with, but that also has the performance of a communications receiver. The Belka-DX is the closest I have been able to come to this so far, without incurring the cost of a KX2.


22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: FJB
« on: November 01, 2021, 0322 UTC »
Here are my loggings of FJB, all from the Alabama Hills near Lone Pine, CA with a handheld Belka-DX receiver and the set-top whip.

10/25/2021 0045z 13563.47 KHz Deep QSB which took the signal from a very clear 2 or 3 S units in strength, to completely unreadable. It was magical to hear the signal rise so clearly out of the noise on a little handheld receiver and whip antenna. Pretty good for 588 miles as the crow flies, and a handful of milliwatts!

10/25/2021 2005z 13563.53 KHz An estimated S1, but low band noise, and very clear.

It's hard for me to zero beat on this receiver, so the above frequencies are my best estimates. I would like a small, portable receiver that can easily zero beat signals, as well as one which has a narrow bandpass filter, but I don't feel like shelling out for a KX2.

I was in DM16 (Keeler, CA to be precise) on Mon Oct 25th, hoping to catch a whiff of the groundwave from RR-dash. Didn't hear a thing, disappointingly.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: FJB
« on: October 27, 2021, 0223 UTC »
I've heard FJB a couple of times in the last few days, very clearly, with a handheld Belka DX receiver with the set-top whip antenna, in the Eastern California desert.

According to this page, it is operated by Bill Hensel AA0RQ, from his QTH in Colorado. He also talks about it on his QRZ page, for those who have a log-in for QRZ.


I'll put in a more detailed report in about a week, when I return home from my trip, but it was a thrill to hear it. It was the first Part 15 beacon I have heard, apart from my own.

I tried talking her into making a QSL card, but all she's interested in is playing, eating treats, and sleeping (a lot)  ;D

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / "SPT" Campervan Beacon on 13557.89 KHz
« on: October 19, 2021, 2322 UTC »
I've had a little Part 15 beacon in my campervan for a while now. It's running a few mW to an untuned 12 foot length of wire in the fiberglass muffin top of the van. I don't think it gets out very well when parked at home in the city. However, in open flat terrain, I can easily hear the ground wave over a mile away. Have not yet tested the limits of the groundwave.

Am currently traveling south on US395, from the Nevada state line, in the direction of Lone Pine, and maybe even further south than that. My beacon is on all the time 24/7, except for any times I am SWL'ing.

It sends the letters SPT at 6wpm on 13557.89 KHz ± 10 or 20Hz, depending on ambient temperature. SPT stands for Sprout, my little cat, who is traveling with me. I don't imagine anyone will hear SPT, but you never know........

HF Beacons / Re: The Desert Whooper
« on: October 13, 2021, 0609 UTC »
Tonight DW reported the internal temp at 63 and the 30th whoop seems whole again.

That observation shows quite remarkable attention to detail, Teotwaki.

I hope your little beacon will be on the air for the next few weeks, at least. I am planning a campervan trip from South Lake Tahoe, down south on US395. If my cat behaves, we will continue our journey and come shockingly close to DM16 on US395. Will have a listen out for it. Receiving the groundwave should be a cinch.

I have a Part 15 beacon in my campervan, on 13557.89 ± 10 or 20Hz. It sends the letters SPT at about 6WPM, as a tribute to my constant companion, my kitty Sprout. A very few mW to an unmatched 10-12 foot length of wire inside the fiberglass muffin top of the campervan. Not the best radiator, but I'm only doing it for fun.


HF Beacons / Re: New whooper beacon on 4095.65
« on: September 18, 2021, 2040 UTC »
First time hearing the Whooper this morning under a tremendous noise level.
Could hear the Whooper but copy wasn't good enough to copy the data string.

Sept 17th, 11:27 UTC, 4095.65.

To hear it from your location is quite an achievement.

North American MW Pirate Radio / Re: KHMB 1710 AM 1105 UTC 9 Oct 2020
« on: September 17, 2021, 2047 UTC »
Although I don't remember the source, I read that they have several Hamilton Rangemaster transmitters in close physical proximity. Even if they were operating within the 510 - 1705KHz band that is subject to FCC 15.219, that installation could very possibly fall outside the provisions of those rules. However, as you say, the fact that they are on 1710KHz immediately settles the question of their legality.

If they didn't have an FM license, I'd admire their swashbuckling bravado. Nevertheless, I wish them continued luck. Community radio is a great thing.

North American MW Pirate Radio / Re: KHMB 1710 AM 1105 UTC 9 Oct 2020
« on: September 17, 2021, 1615 UTC »
I'm listening to it right now (1615z), also via the Half Moon Bay Kiwi SDR, with the same SIO you were reporting. I took a trip down the California coast through Half Moon Bay a year or two ago, and was able to receive this station on a small portable (a CC Skywave SSB). With this little radio, I was able to receive a listenable signal approximately 3 miles north and south of the center of Half Moon Bay, along the coast. A signal was discernable for approximately 7 miles north and south. They are licensed under the callsign KHMV-LP, for an ERP of 100W on 100.9 FM. KHMB is actually a 3.2KW station in Hamburg, AK. Obviously, they are calling themselves KHMB for the acronym (Half Moon Bay).

This is what really puzzles me though. Given that they are radiating on 100.9FM with a licensed signal, why are they also radiating on 1710KHz, with what must surely be an unlicensed signal? Why would an operator jeopardize their license by doing that? It's a real head-scratcher for me, especially as far more people listen to FM than AM these days. If I had an FM license, I sure as heck wouldn't be radiating any unlicensed signals. However, they have been doing this for years, with apparently no problem, so I guess it has been working for them!

Please don't misinterpret this post as a disapproval of unlicensed operation. I'm quite a fan of the unlicensed HF beacons. As a kid who grew up listening to the Radio Caroline ship, the broadcast pirates have a special place in my heart. I just don't get why someone who already has a legal signal, would choose to also radiate a signal for which they have no license. Perhaps the AM signal covers some areas that the FM signal doesn't, and they don't want to leave some of their listeners in the dark?

This feller discovered them a few years ago, and was also puzzled - https://dsearls.medium.com/neighborhood-radio-in-half-moon-bay-dcee2ee9a2fc

HF Beacons / Re: New whooper beacon on 4095.65
« on: September 15, 2021, 0508 UTC »
I have a crummy antenna at home, though hope to listen for DW on a camping trip to the Eastern side of CA in a few weeks. In the meantime, I just had a listen on several online SDR's, and was excited to hear it over a wide area. In the period from about 0442 - 0446z on 9/15/2021, I heard it on Kiwi SDR's in the following locations -

Prescott Valley, AZ at Q5 with an S5 noise level.
Missoula, MT at Q5 with an S4 noise level.
Truth or Consequences, NM at Q1-Q2 with an S4 noise level (can hear whoops, but not copy telemetry).
Fort Collins, CO at Q1-Q2 with an S5 noise level (can hear whoops, but not copy telemetry).
and of course the following two -
Half Moon Bay, CA KFS at S7 with an S4 noise level (Q5 of course).
Point Reyes, CA KPH at S8 with an S4 noise level (Q5 of course).

Oh, and at 0503z, I could *just* hear the whooping under an S5 noise level from a Kiwi SDR in Booth Bay, British Columbia.

For 1 watt, this is really good!

Spy Numbers / Re: New Book n Spy Numbers Stations Published
« on: March 07, 2021, 2220 UTC »
Has anyone seen his QRZ listing? He has put his entire professional resume on it, including a list, beginning with PhD, of all the qualifications he supposedly has. It is a very long list. He seems oddly eager to "prove" himself. If he really is as accomplished as his QRZ page suggests, he would have no need to plagiarize. Something doesn't smell right. I don't like it when people take other's work and pass it off as their own.

Token, Graphite, and anyone else who has read it - I hope you'll seriously consider leaving an candid review.

HF Beacons / Re: 4094 Beacon
« on: December 22, 2020, 2217 UTC »
Interesting. I am hearing it on the KFS SDR now, sending the letter "S" every 65 seconds.

HF Beacons / Re: New whooper beacon on 4095.6
« on: December 09, 2020, 2108 UTC »
What a treat to hear a new beacon!

DW heard at 2107 UTC via the KFS SDR (no antenna set up at the home QTH any more)

BAT 13.2
TMP 70

As syfr said - nice work DW creator! I wonder where it is..........?

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