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Messages - K4JYS

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22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / AMA
« on: January 30, 2024, 1534 UTC »
Also hearing AMA under WAS.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / YSO
« on: January 30, 2024, 1521 UTC »
Hearing YSO under my beacon's (WAS} wide local sig.
73 Bill K4JYS

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / SDR Reports For WAS
« on: January 13, 2024, 2158 UTC »
Here are a few reports of my beacon, WAS (13566.05 khz),                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          heard while trolling some SDR sites.
2015Z K3FFF Milford PA
           Peaking 2 S units above noise floor to fades down into the noise....RST 549.
           Probably the best I have heard WAS.
2021Z West Mtn NY
           RST 439 with QSB...readable IDs on QSB peaks.
2041Z Traverse MI K8BMZ
           Occasional IDs heard...sig at noise floor.
2049Z N8GA Cable OH
           Sigs at or just below noise floor...occasional IDs heard.
2052Z Dayton OH
           Numerous IDs heard...sigs at or below noise floor.

QSB on all sigs. Heard a few peeps on other SDR sites, but too weak to copy full IDs.

Tnx and 73 de Bill K4JYS/WAS


22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Hearing WAS in WIS
« on: January 04, 2024, 2038 UTC »
Taking a quick tune of some of the SDR rcvrs and am hearing my beacon, WAS, in Wis. Altho very weak, I heard a few complete IDs.
73 de Bill K4JYS/WAS

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: Labor Day Loggings on 22m
« on: September 05, 2023, 1847 UTC »
Tnx for list of SDR sites and reports on WAS. Now I have good refs. for listening for my pip-squeak.....73 de Bill K4JYS(WAS)
PS: I tuned in KX4AZ/T and hrd WAS about RST 559....first time I have ever heard it at a distance. I will be cking others.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / ODX, AMA
« on: January 30, 2023, 1909 UTC »
I shut WAS down for some listening and immediately heard both subject beacons very readable:
1/30/23 1825Z ODX RST 449/549 QSB
             1826Z AMA RST 549/569 QSB

Both pretty consistent (with multiple checks) up to 1852Z.
73 de Bill K4JYS/WAS
Smithfield, NC (FM05)

MW Loggings / Re: TIS Station On 1710kc
« on: January 05, 2023, 1854 UTC »
Tnx for the update. No wonder the sig was so good....73 de Bill K4JYS

MW Loggings / TIS Station On 1710kc
« on: January 05, 2023, 1756 UTC »
I have been hearing a TIS stn, WQFG689, over the last few mornings, on 1710kc AM with a good signal into NC, SE of Raleigh. The stn is run by Hudson County NJ and according to the FCC info, runs 10w output. Times have been from 1000Z until around 1200Z. QSB noted with strong peaks & down into the noise. Msg, in general, was that they were having technical difficulties.
73 de Bill K4JYS

Longwave Loggings / Re: 486kc Christmas Music AM BC
« on: December 25, 2022, 1223 UTC »
I think I answered my own question. The xmsn is probably an annual BC by WA1ZMS/4 in VA. Info on You Tube....Bill

Longwave Loggings / WA1ZMS/4 486 AM 1212 UTC 25 DEC 2022
« on: December 25, 2022, 1212 UTC »
I am hearing an AM stn on 486kc with a fair sig, with fades down into the noise. They are playing instrumental Christmas Music and a male and female announcer. Can't quite make out the call sign, but starts with a 'W'...maybe an experimental call. Time 1141-1148Z. Its after 12Z now and they are vry weak and into the noise .
73 and Merry Christmas de Bill K4JYS - NC

Tnx Randy for the email....reply on the way...73, Bill

Tnx Randy for the rpt on WAS. The xmit antenna is a dipole up abt 40 feet and a Blackcat xmtr. Yep, very interesting to see how far these pip-squeaks can be heard. A QSL will be on the way. Tnx for using some ear time on CW beacons.
73 and a Merry Christmas de Bill K4JYS

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / WAS Back On
« on: December 29, 2020, 1536 UTC »
1530Z - WAS back on air.
de K4JYS

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Hearing K6FRC In NC
« on: December 28, 2020, 1535 UTC »
Heard K6FRC this morning at 1457Z thru 1500Z RST 239 to peak of around 329, very weak, but several ID completely readable...QSB. Still hearing it as I pass by.
73 de Bill K4JYS
Rcvr: Ten Tec RX-340 & PA0RDT Mini Whip

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / WAS QRT For Listening
« on: December 28, 2020, 1439 UTC »
WAS will be off air for a period of listening as of 1430Z 12-28-20.
Will post when it is back on,
Happy New Year all...73 de Bill K4JYS

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