22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / K6FRC Into NC Again
« on: February 27, 2019, 1743 UTC »
Paul's beacon is making it's regular morning appearance. Between 1540-1555Z 2-27-19 K6FRC was running RST 229-339, and 439 on fade-ups. Fades took it down into the noise and than popped back up. I also heard a couple of CODAR bursts and a ditter a bit above the watering hole. No other beacons heard.
By the way, the receiving setup is a Ten Tec RX340 and a PA0RDT mini-whip active antenna.
73 de Bill K4JYS
By the way, the receiving setup is a Ten Tec RX340 and a PA0RDT mini-whip active antenna.
73 de Bill K4JYS