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Messages - Radio Station

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0040 S7 in Canada good copy

2300 S7 in Alberta Canada

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6930 AM 1530 UTC 1 Dec 2018
« on: December 01, 2018, 1545 UTC »
1545 S7 online NJ SDR

Utility / Re: Peskies? Military? Other? 6920 USB 0106 UTC 5 Oct 2018
« on: November 30, 2018, 1958 UTC »
They sound just like Mexican speaking by the sound of there voice. Which has a sing songy style inflection.


The discone doesn't work too well on 11m, it is only rated down to 100 MHz. An 11m vertical would probably be ideal, actually I could hoist it up a tree like I did with the discone to get maximum height :)  I'd have to think they are relatively easy to build, vs buying one?

For the upper bands like 11 and 10 meters I built a double bazooka antenna pulled up vertical in a high tree fed with RG8x coax. The antenna works great. For the antenna to work correctly use a 50 ohm non double shielded coax like RG8x or 213 for the antenna part. You can feed it with double sheilded coax. Look up the design on the net.  :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: OTR 6770 AM 2151 UTC 25 Nov 2018
« on: November 28, 2018, 1604 UTC »
That's interesting. I have a much lower dipole that I use for noise canceling and signal enhancement with a MFJ-1026. At some frequencies at various times I will get a better signal on the much lower dipole.

If it was done once for a short time I doubt that it could be a problem. If it is done repeatedly on that  frequency or another one just as important that would be a problem. Since the band propergation was so long going into Europe going thousands of miles DF ing would be difficult for one transmisión.

DFing on HF is near instantaneous these days, with the right gear.
Many have tried out the TDoA kiwi SDR network, which takes a few minutes.
Just think how little time it would take with a network of DF experts and 3 elephant cages :)

QRMing the guys who are well known for their helos and DFers, is unwise.

Purely on principle, the Maritime distress channels, Search And Rescue channels, and Air Traffic Control channels should be considered sacred ground taboo.

Yes we have tried out Kiwi SDR including myself and others I have talk to off this form. It was quite interesting on how for off it shows in location with the interaction of HF propagation not like line of site FM broadcasts that have no sky Propagation going on. Even though there is better stuff out there. And again if a station gets enough of there attention I sure eventually in time they will be found. Just like all the pirate FM stations being shutdown across the country because they are considered a high priority.  8)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: OTR 6770 AM 2151 UTC 25 Nov 2018
« on: November 27, 2018, 2313 UTC »
I use a complete flattop dipole fed with 450 ohm ladder line. From what I read a flattop has more gain than a sloping or inverted design. You change the pattern of your antenna by bringing the end up.

If it was done once for a short time I doubt that it could be a problem. If it is done repeatedly on that  frequency or another one just as important that would be a problem. Since the band propergation was so long going into Europe going thousands of miles DF ing would be difficult for one transmisión.

I noticed the same when Mix Radio was on 4090 the other day. Another station keyed up on sideband near by. I think other operators who were listening are trying to see how they can get out in comparison.

The RF Workbench / Re: Beginner class D design
« on: November 25, 2018, 1506 UTC »
A another great point.

I'm definitely missing out on something here!

Ah well....neh mind!

Refering to the title of the post I don't see what relevance repurposing a ham radio has at all?

Time and patience, Yes, plugging in a ham radio, anyone can do that.

We're talking about design, which you make clear you have absolutely no idea of.

I've spent years trying to get that right, I'm not there yet but will continue to try.

You are getting confused in our old age my friend comming to the conclusion about what was said by "The Relay Station " not by "Radio Station"

I never said I have not built or designed anything . Next time before you make your comments spend the time needed to read first before you make your condescending comments.

The RF Workbench / Re: Beginner class D design
« on: November 25, 2018, 0719 UTC »
A another great point.

0145 could Be X-FM very nice audio +10 at my station
0306 still listening to the great music peaking to + 15
0335 nice music tonight. It does take some work in selecting the music thanks for the broadcast
0340 nice song "One Kiss" I like the video too
0415 still holding +10
0417 If I Go Down Then You'll Go Down Too" Nigel Stanford, (another good tune)
0445 Nice Pro broadcast Redhat. It's hard to believe it is pirate radio.
0500 Soul on Fire by soultist
0506 The Look Of Love by Chris Botti ,  great smooth jazz artist
0515 Bittersweet Symphon
0520 Nice concluding song.

$219 ($299 with an $80 discount applied at purchase)


It is a very nice SDR. I use them around the world to check propagation. The reason I would not buy one at this point is the limited bandwidth. If someone can get them to modify their code for wider bandwidth that would be great. Otherwise the Kiwisdr is worth the money.

Thanks for the Info.

The RF Workbench / Re: Beginner class D design
« on: November 20, 2018, 0622 UTC »
Your going to have to drill holes for the fets anyway...what's two more holes?

Bottom line; different design philosophy for different requirements.  Yours and mine are not the same.  I went the high voltage/lower current route, you did the opposite.

For my needs, my design makes more sense, and makes use of cheaper more readily available parts I can order from Digikey, Mouser, et al without reliance on one vendor.  SiC is available from Cree, Toshiba, Rohm, etc so at this time obsolescence is not a concern.

I just wish you would stop beating the drum for GaN, as what makes sense for you often doesn't make sense to everyone else.  There are folks out there who will be building tube linears and modulators until they'll have the make the tubes themselves.  Likewise, your going to have folks like 'QIX that think the only way to build solid state AM is their way.  I think in this case, he got lucky and wants to stick with what works, until he can no longer get the parts to build them.

 I have an eye on higher power, and for the time being, SiC is the way to get there....until something better comes along, at a reasonable cost.


Very well started Redhat.

That's one of the reasons at this point I am not going into building a class E D H rig. If a really great new design comes along I may consider it. Until then I can go from 1MHz to 30 MHz with outstanding AM and SSB audio with no hassle in minutes with minimal tuning. One of the biggest limitations for me is class E D H is just AM only not SSB. SSB gets out better and can sound as good. But I still love AM too.

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