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Messages - Rurik

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Many thanks. We have problems but we fight. My station does not allow them to communicate and give target designations.

The aggressor and occupier of the Russian Federation, as it turned out, has no connection.

These miserable Russian military people use analog radio communications on old-time USSR lamp technology.

At this point, I've killed all their shit connection. Here are the frequencies of the Russian Nazis. 4.850, 4.770, 4.720, 4.260, 4.781, 3.920, 6.942, 4.909, 5.420, 5.266, 5.667, 3.371, 3.700, 6.942, 7.620, 7.577, USB All these groups, like the main KShM itself and its monitors, have target designation.

But the Russian pig does not conduct communications anymore. Glory to Ukraine...

Other / Re: Rurik Radio UA 7055/7050 LSB 1250 UTC 10 Dec 2021
« on: December 23, 2021, 0849 UTC »
Are any KiwiSDR receivers in Europe particularly useful for picking up these transmissions?
  Hi All!!! Yes, you can hear them well in the neighboring countries of Ukraine, such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary and Romania. But also further, like Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden, Finland. They broadcast during the hours of good daily propagation for Europe, that is around 10-15 UTC. As the operator said, the broadcasting depends on the propagation conditions - they are experienced. Their area of interest is Russia and the territories of occupied Ukraine, so they speak Russian, but they know that the rest of the free world is listening to them.
The night channel 3931 LSB has not been used recently, perhaps because Belarusian HAM's treat him as "national" and have asked for his release.
Yes, the Republic of Belarus is occupied by an illegitimate president and a Nazi, fascist Kremlin. We Ukrainians and Europe are facing a big war with Nazi Russia. Russians are no longer shy and dehumanize the Ukrainian people, Americans and Europeans. They compare our democracy and freedom with Uncle Sem's pigsty; they elevate their Russian nation as above the nation of the planet earth. The chosen nation of the planet earth. This is pure Nazism. The entire population of the Russian Federation from 40 years of age and older wants to kill Europeans, Americans and Ukrainians. By means of the Kremlin propaganda, they consider us enemies who must be destroyed. The West played the game by appeasing this filth of the Kremlin to the point of complete Nazism in the Russian Federation. We do not know when the war will start, but it is inevitable. Ukraine will die. We hope that the West will not abandon us and support us.
Да Республика Беларусь оккупирована не законным президентом и нацистским, фашистским Кремлём. Нам Украинцам и Европе грозит большая война с нацисткой Россией. Русские уже не стесняются и расчеловечивают Украинский народ, Американцев и Европейцев. Сравнивают нашу демократию и свободу с свинарником Дяди Сема, Свою же российскую нацию они возвышают как над нация планеты земля. Богоизбранная нация планеты земля. Это чистый нацизм. Все население Российской Федерации с 40 лет и старше хотят убивать Европейцев, Американцев и Украинцев. Они по средствам Кремлевской пропаганды считают нас врагами которых надо уничтожить. Запад доигрался умиротворением этой гниды кремля до полного нацизма российской федерации. Когда начнется война мы не знаем, но она неизбежна. Украина будет стоять на смерть. Надеемся что запад нас не бросит и поддержит.

Other / Re: Rurik R. 7055 LSB 1001 UTC 23 Mar 2021
« on: May 29, 2021, 1252 UTC »
В начале моей деятельности против агрессора и оккупанта со стороны Москвы в радио я не сильно разбирался в формировании сигнала для AM-FM Radio. Но на данный момент я изучил всё чтобы построить сигнал с максимальным КПД - коэффициент полезного действия. Объясню...  На Американских AM-FM Radio используют OPTIMOD 8700i Audio Processor. Он обрабатывает в реал тайм голос для того чтобы он красиво звучал в радио, но самое главное в его работе - это заставить работать ваш передатчик мощность на максимальную эффективность. То есть увеличить коэффициент полезного действия передатчика. Чтобы каждый wat не пропал. На основе принципа работы OPTIMOD 8700i я создал свой софт, который обладает теме же функциями и качеством. https://essb-us.rurik.us/en/essb-audio-kompressor-vysokogo-kachestva-2/

At the beginning of my activity against the aggressor and occupier from the side of Moscow in the radio, I did not know much about the formation of a signal for AM-FM Radio. But at the moment I have studied everything to build a signal with maximum efficiency - efficiency. Let me explain ... American AM-FM Radio uses OPTIMOD 8700i Audio Processor. It processes the voice in real time so that it sounds beautiful in the radio, but the most important thing in its work is to make your transmitter work at maximum efficiency. That is, to increase the efficiency of the transmitter. So that every wat is not lost. Based on the operating principle of OPTIMOD 8700i, I created my own software, which has the same functions and quality.

At the moment, I already make money selling this software for presenters in youtube.com, ESSB Radio and other broadcasting purposes.


Of course, all I do is to protect Ukraine and Europe as well as the United States from the Nazi Mongol horde of Moscow. The West should understand that barbarians live there ...

If you know Russian and listen to the frequencies where these Moscow Putin's Mongols work, then you will hear conversations about the sexual direction. They shout that they will rape everyone in the anus, they will have everyone in their mouths, On the topic of ogressi, Occupation, he responds with a mptom and shouts that they will rape everyone ... This is a horde. It is not even culturally possible to speak with Putin's horde.

Other / Re: 7055/7060 LSB UA tube 0850 UTC 23 AUG 2020
« on: August 31, 2020, 0223 UTC »
Created a website for ESSB Radio in 5 languages

I myself work now for Orban Optimod 8700i FM+HD Digital Audio Processor + RDS
The signal is just fine.

Other / Re: 7055/7060 LSB UA tube 0850 UTC 23 AUG 2020
« on: August 24, 2020, 1433 UTC »
We must support our Belarusian brothers in the fight against the totalitarian regime of Lukashenka. You all saw how the criminals of Lukashenka staged torture and humiliation of the people of Belarus.

Other / Re: R.Rurik UA 7055 LSB 1045 UTC 06 Jan 2020
« on: January 11, 2020, 0230 UTC »


It's bad that there is no plugin for youtube on this forum

In order for the pictures on the waterfall to be perfect, you must have a digital transceiver and a high-quality power amplifier so that there is no distortion in the transmission. This is the main condition for the quality of the picture on the waterfall. I have not yet seen anyone downloading my files and playing them on the radio would get that quality.

Other / Re: 4769.5 KhZ (RUSSIA)
« on: January 05, 2020, 1326 UTC »
This is an airport driven beacon

Other / Re: Happy New Year
« on: January 03, 2020, 0612 UTC »
Good afternoon.

Many thanks...

Other / Happy New Year
« on: January 01, 2020, 1813 UTC »
I want to wish you all a Happy New Year 2020

Wish peace and happiness in your homes!

Once again I read that you write that the state of Ukraine is behind our powerful Ukrainian stations. This is not true. No one does not support us. All that we do for our money in the future of our state, Ukraine.
We defend the choice of the Ukrainian People freedom and democracy on the Valanter movement for our money. The Ukrainian state does not respond to this problem in any way, but it does not touch us either. I have repeatedly written to various clubs, organizations including the USA and Europe, about our movement’s assistance in the fight against propaganda from Moscow, but as it turned out, no one needs it. Know in the West waiting for a repeat of 1937. The Kremlin propaganda of Nazism is evil.
My transceiver is amateurish and does not withstand so many hours in the radio, if it breaks then I can no longer work in the radio since there is no free money to buy a new radio.
And the fact that our signals are superior to the Kremlin’s propagandists is our golden hands, such a talented people of Ukraine.
You must understand one thing that we Ukraine is a different people from Russian. We can organize ourselves and we don’t need a state or a leader who organizes us. The Ukrainian is born a free personality and hovers in life like our Falcon of Rusia-Ukraine. Rusia is Ukraine and not Moscow and Muscovy. The coat of arms of Ukraine is a falcon of Kievan Rus. Gerd of the founder of Kiev Rurik.
Muscovy is a horde and therefore have nothing to do with the Slovenes and therefore came to the Donbass to kill the Rusichs. Brother brother will not kill. Since the brother’s mother’s blood flows.

Hello! 3.731 frequency of Belarusian radio amateurs, the most famous of them are Igor EW1MM from Minsk. He is the first in the Soviet Union amateur radio signal ESSB signal quality. All Belarusian radio stations have a European look and aspirations for the Western world, away from accession Russia. Where the Russian world is there devastation, murder, hunger and lack of rights and freedoms. We Ukrainian stations come to support our brothers Belarusians. The Moscow horde stifles them by the line at their frequencies wherever they work. It does not allow them to make contacts and communicate at their round table. Belarusians have not once changed the frequency at which they work before it was 3.688 In a word, the Putin Nazi world is trying to strangle everyone who has a different point of view and does not support them in their aggression and war. Everything that the Russian world creates in quotation marks at a given frequency falls under the criminal liability - inciting ethnic hatred between peoples. Now there is a station that is very close to Poland, and in Poland itself it constantly drowns out Igor from Minsk. In my Carpathians, she does not go well 9 points. But on Polish websdr it is very loud 20 points. I suppose that Putin’s ancestor appeared in Poland that is jamming Belarusians. Nobody can drown my station and my friend Sergey. They drown out weak signals.

Thats a really cool transmission method, (and an image worthy of broadcasting)
I have seen some of the C-MT and S-MT hell methods used for QRSS, but never anything that actually draws any image of high resolution or span in a waterfall.
Nick work!


I have a suggestion. I would like to translate the files of Nazi propaganda of Russia from the radio into English. Option text on the video in English. Maybe someone wants to participate in this project. I can organize both the site itself and hosting for this site. Of course, you need a person or English-speaking people to understand the essence of expressions. So that the text does not sound silly. We have a lot of records. I would like at least some kind of translate.

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