Trans-Pacific decoding of two Japanese 2200m (137 khz) stations into Texas. Mode used was FST4W-1800. TX stations running .5w and 1w EIRP. This is very early in the Fall/Winter DX season for this propagation to occur. Lots of "miles per watt" with this one.
2022-09-23 11:00 JA1RWI 0.137520 -42 db PM95tm 0.5 SWLEM3 EM03rf 10267 km
2022-09-23 11:00 JH1OFX 0.137583 -43 db PM95ql 1 SWLEM3 EM03rf 10286 km
Equipment used was a 22" resonant ferrite loopstick (approx 4 ft. off the ground) with no amplification into an Elad FDM-S2 sdr.