Listening via the Northern Utah SDR ...
0012 UTC: Fair with the intro to Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" broadcast.
0025 UTC: I apparently missed the station ID while I stepped away. Still playing "War of the Worlds." Reception's faded up to mostly good via the SDR.
0038 UTC: Coming in well via the Weiser, Idaho, SDR as well as "War of the Worlds" continues. Not audible here near Seattle yet; it's still daylight here.
0107 UTC: "War of the Worlds" is still going on; hearing some annoying CW interference.
0112 UTC: Orson Welles with his famous "don't freak out" message at the end of "War of the Worlds" as CW interference continues. (They DID freak out not to far from where i live now:
0113 UTC: SSTV transmission; can't decode due to interference.
0114 UTC: Male-voiced Thunder Chicken Radio ID.