« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2022, 0344 UTC »
@ 02:03 on 4:185 usb S-9 over north eastern wisconsin.
4.186. lsb @02:21 music S-8 into northeastern wisconsin. No fade. Some sort of electronic music.
227-The Adams Family @0234
Some kind of obscure Euro rock? @ 03:03 on 4.186 lsb. slight fade into northeastern wisconsin. S-3.
(0326 UTC original post time) Booming in.
"Where gonna shut it down but man were not ha ha ha Free Form Fucken Radio Madness." And off air. Had them on 4.179 usb @ o3:30 utc. Perfect copy.
Message to Abner's Farm....Your posting skills are less than admirable...I spent a great deal of time figuring out how you managed to dig out a 4186 posting from 2020....then I consolidated all your posts into that original mispost. The frequency has always been 4185 USB and you need to pay attention to the posting rules here. There is no need to keep posting single entries...All you need to do is click on the "Modify" link on your first post....it's in the upper right hand corner above that first post and you can add to your original posting. Please adhere to the standards we're using to keep the forum organized. Herding cats gives the moderators less time to enjoy the programs these ops put on air for us. Thank you and have a Happy Halloween!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 0346 UTC by Skipmuck »
QSL's to poorbrookking >at< aol.com are greatly appreciated! All reception and postings using My radio, my antenna, and generally in real time(excluding posting of SSTV images!).
QTH:Springfield, MA
JRC NRD-515 with 43 meter half wave dipole into MFJ 949E Versa Tuner: also Grove SP-200 & SONY 2010's