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Author Topic: V07, 14374 kHz, USB, March 24, 2013, 0157 UTC  (Read 1313 times)

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V07, 14374 kHz, USB, March 24, 2013, 0157 UTC
« on: March 25, 2013, 0112 UTC »
I have not mentioned this station in a while, so thought I would throw it in here, since someone in the #wunclub chat reminded me it was on ;)

This is the Spanish language, but Russian sourced, numbers station that carries the Enigma designator V07.

There are apparently 2 outlets for this station.  One that appears to target Europe and one that might target the Pacific or US.  This is the later of those two.  The one heard in Europe is generally in AM mode and on a different schedule.  The one I hear well in California is in USB.  This station has been on the same schedule for the last 2+ years.

The bearing from me to this station is about 330 degrees true, suggesting Kamchatka as a possible source.  Naturally there are other possible sources along that bearing, but since this is known to be Russian in origin I am trying to tie it to something Russian along that bearing.  There are several Russian bases on the Kamchatka peninsula, including Petropavlovsk.

The station transmits one day a week, on Sunday morning.  Start times range from 0100 to 0700, depending on time of year.  It normally transmits three times in one hour (all the same message), when there is a message.  Start times are XX00, XX20, and XX40.  When it is a null message, no traffic, it only sends two times, at XX00 and XX20.

The most complete schedule I have for this station is here:

Looking at that schedule the transmissions should have been at 0100 UTC on 18074 kHz, 0120 UTC on 15874 kHz, and at 0140 UTC on 14374 kHz.  If a null message it should have been sent at 0100 and 0120 UTC only.  However, that is not what happened.

The first time that I have seen, in several years of periodically catching this station, the message was so long that it went over the 20 minute possible window.  This pushed out the start time of the second and third message.  The first started on time, at about 0100 UTC.  The second started at about 0128 UTC, and the third started at about 0157 UTC.

This video is of the third and last message, sent on March 24, 2013, at 0157 UTC, on 14374 kHz, USB:

Mojave Desert, California USA


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