2357 UTC Unid indie rock tune
2359 UTC OM with "This is WTF Radio Worldwide"...This is TF", then back to the music
0003 UTC Music box IS followed by some movie audio?
0008 UTC OM with ID over some cool shoegaze sounding music...krautrock?
0010 UTC WTF op talking over the music/movie audio mix
0022 UTC OM with ID over the rocking dance music
0023 UTC I forgot the name of this song by Grand Funk....
0026 UTC Sounds like Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam, then "Nowhere to Run"-Martha & Vandellas
0038 UTC Band is going long now..can make out "Atlantis" by Donovan
0043 UTC Signal is deep in the noise now
0047 UTC Hearing "Carrie Anne" by the Hollies right at the noise floor
Enjoying the tunes and the production!
Thanks for the entertainment WTF! It was really great before the band collapsed here!