2215 UTC Very weak signal amidst the high noise level, but I can make out "Aqualung"-Jethro Tull
2221 UTC Scottie 1 SSTV (Signal picked up quite a bit just before this)
2223 UTC Unid song by Jethro Tull
2227 UTC Unid song by Jethro Tull (Some QRM from a peskie on LSB)
2230 UTC (Signal back down to the noise floor)
2235 UTC "Cross Eyed Mary"-Jethro Tull
2239 UTC Scottie 1 SSTV
2241 UTC "Bouree"-Jethro Tull
2257 UTC ScottieDX SSTV
2307 UTC "Bungle In the Jungle"-Jethro Tull
Dinner time here....thanks for the Tull!