It would appear that I have been long asleep, but I was merely very much awake, someplace else!
Glad to see old friends Captain Morgan, Outhouse Radio and Radio Free Whatever active in the Christmas loggings! (I did not search further back today, sorry if I missed anyone... )
Please take care, amigos--- although the current weather would seem to give some comfort for safer operations, LOL! It will be cleaned up soon...
It took my 2 days to dig myself out-- and my car is covered with snow again already--- but in Michigan, it appears to finally be over!
sorry for anyone on the east coast-- especially in western New York.... winter sucks!
Anyway, I am still alive and well--- and thanks to Chris, logged in again here--- although I have been lurking all that time, somehow my computer decided to lose my login creds, and it had been so long I could not remember my own username correctly! LOL (the "space" between John and Poet screwed me up, lol)
I will begin again commenting upon some other matters I see going on here now, and paying more attention
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Kwanza, winter solstice, whatever you want to call it-- or nothing at all--
I believe in religious freedom-- and freedom from religion, if that is your preference...
And I still believe in 'The Crystal Ship'!--- the very small 'claim to fame' of my own life!
(Last night I amused myself by listening to some of my own old shows, in particular the 60s "Flower Power" and the "Bubblegum Express" show, which was created for a Christmas Day show for 2013 or 14 ?? Anyway, Christmas is candy, yes?
Love you all!