S7 with the AB1KW KiwiSDR.
0248 UTC-ON
0248 UTC-Oriental music and Chinese announcer on a loop
0250 UTC-Unknown Chinese Techno Music
0251 UTC-OM speaking in English, hard to understand
0251 UTC-Everything above all mixed up
0252 UTC-Hilarious Chinese Song by John Xina
0257 UTC-Chinese announcer
0257 UTC-If You Feel My Love (Chaow Mix) by Blaxy Girls
0259 UTC-Chinese announcer
0259 UTC-Pop Goes the Weasel by HooplaKidz
0300 UTC-OM news talking in English about the spy balloon
0300 UTC-Chinese announcer
0301 UTC-Eye In the Sky by The Alan Parsons Project
0305 UTC-Oriental music and Chinese announcer in a loop
0306 UTC-OFF