« on: February 26, 2023, 2328 UTC »
Moderate to fair AM signal into the Perseus, nice to hear Captain Morgan!
2325 The Band - Weight
2327 Captan Morgan Shortwave ID
2327 Ride Captain Ride
2330 Two Pina Coladas
2334 Jesus is just Alright
2338 'Captain Morgan Shortwave' ID into Spirit in the Sky
2343 My Sweet Lord
« Last Edit: February 27, 2023, 0037 UTC by Skipmuck »
Evil Elvis, western Tennessee east of Memphrica
Icom IC-705, IC-7200, IC -7300, IC-7610, IC-9700
WinRadio G33DDC, Perseus22, RFSpace NetSDR, SDR-IQ, SDR-14, Kiwi, 4x Airspy HF+ Discovery, ELAD FDM-S2
Aziloop Df-72, Wellbrook ALA100LN, ALA1530LNP Imperium, Bushcomm BBA-1KD
Old School: No remote SDRs, all my receivers, my tenners.