0459 UTC Possibly intro to Voice of Pancho Villa?
0500 UTC Mariachi music!
0501 UTC High pitched voice with repeated ID's as "You are listening to the Voice of Pancho Villa"
0502 UTC Different OM...."a gathering of the masses"...followed by YL speaking over some mariachi music, about government suppression of pirate radio and a violation of freedom of speech. Tough copy with the fades but signal is mostly above the noise
0504 UTC Sirens, then OM speaking..."Welcome to pirate radio"
0506 UTC YL with mention of Glenn Hauser amid several bleeps
0507 UTC Laughter...., then Pancho talking, followed by "Stuck In the Middle With You"-Stealers Wheel
0512 UTC YL gave email address, but didn't copy. Followed by an OM sounding like Glenn Hauser? Then some mariachi music
0513 UTC Unid ambient music of indeterminate genre
0517 UTC OFF
Thanks to the Voice of Pancho Villa and the relayer! My evening/morning is complete!
Get well soon Pancho! Here's my recording of the show: