Pleasantly surprised this morning to see low power Japanese amateur stations JA1RWI and JH1OFX decoded as far East into the Conus as North Texas. Signals were received from their FST4W-1800 mode transmissions at 1030-1130 UTC on 18 April 2023. Nice to see such low freq/low power stations decoding into Conus well past the peak of this years fall/winter longwave season. Stations in the Conus hearing the JA's were KA7OEI.. Utah, KM5SW.. New Mexico, N7DM.. Nevada. SWLEM3 (swl rx station) located in Texas was most distant copy at 10,286 km with signal levels of -42 dbm.
More details of this reception (and other LF digital activity) can be found in the 2200m database on the website of