Exact frequency is 6934.965 kHz. S9+20 here.
0251 UTC-Bud Bigly talking about the music
0252 UTC-Angel Eyes by Dave Brubeck
0258 UTC-Talking about the music, hello to people on the HFU, promotion for my YouTube channel (thanks!)
0300 UTC-Deep River by Toshiko Mariano Quartet
0305 UTC-Talking about the music, B Side Radio with your host Bud Bigly
0306 UTC-By The Numbers by John Coltrane
0318 UTC-Talking about the music, tried to play the next song on Saturday, the next record was a little expensive at the secret record store in the Mojave
0319 UTC-Duck Theme / Jimmy and the Duck / Peter's Theme / Meal Time by Jimmy Smith
0329 UTC-Talking about the music, good evening to Pigmeat, one more song for tonight
0331 UTC-Love Me Or Leave Me by Miles Davis Quintet
0338 UTC-OFF
Screen recorder crashed and I lost the video

At least I have the audio.