Good S8 signal in NH tonight, local thunderstorms causing lots of static
0210z Fibber McGee and Molly radio show, can copy about 80% through the static
Molly: "Do you want a globe with Japan on it?"
Boss: "Of course!"
Molly: "Well you better get one quick!"
0230z Martha Tilton - The Last Time I Saw Paris (part of the show...)
0237z Brought to you by Johnson's Wax, Buy War Bonds, end of episode
0238z Radio Free Whatever! - Into another Fibber McGee and Molly episode, making a cake
McGee: "Put this egg up on the shelf and I'll put the other in this drawer"
Molly: "Why?"
McGee "The recipe says to separate two eggs"
(not quite a quote but something like that...)
0255z The King's Men - Three Blind Mice
0301z Johnson's Glo-Coat makes your linoleum last six times longer, end of episode
0302z Radio Free Whatever ID,
0304z Eddie Money - Shakin'
0307z Panic! At The Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies
0311z Oasis - Live Forever
0316z Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole
0321z Meredith Brooks - Bitch
0325z Barenaked Ladies - The Old Apartment
0336z Radio Free Whatever ID, shout-outs to the Radio Comrades (thanks!)