0001 'My Wild Irish Rose' - John McCormic, 'I'm Wild About Harry' - Vaughn de Leath, 'I'm Wild About That Thing' - Bessie Smith, ID, 'Wild Wild Young Men' - Rugh Brown, 'Wild Side of Life (Rare Radio Performance)' - Hank Williams, 'Running Wild' - BB King, ID, 'Wild One' - Bobby Rydell, 'Wild Thing' - The Troggs, 'Wild Honey' - Beach Boys, 'Born to be Wild' - Steppenwolf, 'Runaway Child, Running Wild' - The Temptations, 'Wild Horses' - Rolling Stones, ID, 'Wild Night' - Van Morrison, 'Walk on the Wild Side' - Lou Reed, 'Frank's Wild Years' - Tom Waits, ID, 'Wild Wild Life' - Talking Heads, 'Child of the Wild Blue Yonder' - John Hiatt, 'Driving Me Wild' - Bryan Ferry, 0057 "Echo" ID, SSV (Bear snarling with "Wolverine Radio"), 0100 off. OM voice a few seconds after finishing, "Wolverine Radio. We love you."
Great S7 signal at start, up to S9+some by end.