« on: October 15, 2023, 2144 UTC »
2144: music, one song (can't ID) then silent
- note: previous station is now gone as well
Not sure, but think this was station on 6950 a minute or two ago:
https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,119535.0.html2208: DJ Dickweed confirms this (above) station was RFW.2221: sorry to hear about the lightning strike
Thank you for the song!
« Last Edit: October 15, 2023, 2221 UTC by DangerKitty »
QSL to umst777@yahoo.com would be greatly appreciated!
SDRplay RSP2/RSPdx w/SDRuno SW ; N-S 43M Dipole / E-W 43M Dipole / 5 ft diam. CU loop and MLA-30+ preamp 15 ft HAAT / W6LVP loop / 500 ft LOG / 500 ft random wire / ~1200 ft West BOG / MB trap dipole. Disclaimer: Shazam/Sound-Hound used to ID many songs.
Is it ok to use my AM radio after NOON?