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Author Topic: Radio 48 via MRI 6868 USB 2312 UTC 22 OCT 2023  (Read 2545 times)

Offline TheHappyWanker

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Re: Radio 48 via MRI 6868 USB 2312 UTC 22 OCT 2023
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2023, 0116 UTC »
0117 UTC S9+15 Killer sound and programing as per usual! Thx THW
IC-7300,2 R-390A, SP600, SX 62A, SX71, NC173, Antennas: 2 EFHW 80-10 120' 1 N/S 1 E/W, EFWH 40-10, 62' E/W, RX LOOP (.5-30) with Rotor.  RSPdx & Duo Rice Box used when traveling with Chinese loop. If so desired a EQSL can go to TheHappyWanker@Gmail. Thx "Just because your not paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you..." MX ID is my Old Ears and Memory. If I cant copy here it isn't DX! The Web Stuff isn't DX... OK its remote DX via the Electronic Ether...LOL All The gig DARPA brought us...

Online Treehouse SWL

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Re: Radio 48 via MRI 6868 USB 2312 UTC 22 OCT 2023
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2023, 0140 UTC »
Weak but audible here near Seattle ...

0134 UTC: "You Really Got Me" by The Kinks.
0136 UTC: Female-voiced Radio 48 via Mix Radio International ID.
0137 UTC: Remix of "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John.
0139 UTC: After another ID, "Black Velvet" by Alannah Myles.
0142 UTC: Another ID, then "Blue Monday" cover or remix (didn't sound like the '90s cover by Orgy).
0145 UTC: Radio 48 ID, then RMI ID, followed by "Fly Me to the Moon" remix.
0152 UTC: "Smalltown Boy" cover/remix by unknown artist (I had to feed our dog upstairs, so I missed a song or two).
0155 UTC: Female-voiced MRI ID, then Radio 48 ID, then "Green Onions" by Booker T. and The M.G.s. The signal's still audible here, but still weak.
0158 UTC: "You're listening to Radio 48, the station that dares to be different." That was followed by "Speedy Gonzales" by Van Edelsteyn and Pat Boone.
0200 UTC: Radio 48 and MRI IDs again, followed by "Mony Mony" cover by Billy Idol. The audio's down to nearly nothing now here, unfortunately.
0206 UTC: "Mony Mony" rose up again a bit (this song's too long!), but still very weak. Could hear just a bit of the female-voiced MRI ID around 0207 UTC.
0210 UTC: "The Hardest Time" by The Sunset Radio as the signal rose up again.

Thanks for the music, Radio 48 and MRI!
« Last Edit: October 23, 2023, 0211 UTC by Treehouse SWL »
Eric Fetters-Walp / Please eQSL to fettwalp@outlook.com

Radios: Eton Grundig Edition Satellit, Qodosen DX-286, Eton Elite Field, Sihuadon R-108, XHDATA D-220
Antennas: 60-foot-long end-fed wire

Offline Shortwave_Listener

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Re: Radio 48 via MRI 6868 USB 2312 UTC 22 OCT 2023
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2023, 0200 UTC »
S6 direct.

0200 UTC-Weak music
0200 UTC-Radio 48 ID
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
My website: https://swl7.wordpress.com/
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