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Author Topic: 11 meter band activity 25-26 MHz 5 Jan 2024  (Read 471 times)

Offline R4002

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11 meter band activity 25-26 MHz 5 Jan 2024
« on: January 05, 2024, 1644 UTC »
Another band opening today.  Lots of activity on 26.735 MHz AM, truckers talking about which "taco truck" is better, other discussion relating to fast food joints, traffic and other typical CB radio banter.  26735 is CB radio channel 19 "down one band" so it's very popular for truck drivers to use this frequency...simply flip the band switch from "D" to "C" on your export radio and leave the channel on 19. 

27.635 MHz is channel 19 up one band (Band E, or the upper channels, high band), but 26.735 MHz seems to be more popular. 

I've actually heard a lot of truck drivers on 25.835 MHz AM, which is channel 19 down 3 bands..so Band A on the standard export radio where the legal 40 CB channels is Band D.  26.285 MHz AM or channel 19 on band B is not as popular, likely because 26.285 MHz USB is promoted as the alternate SSB DX 11 meter CB calling frequency to 27.555 MHz USB. 

Several other 25 MHz - 26 MHz frequencies are currently active, including:

25.625 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
25.655 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
25.675 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
25.695 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
25.725 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
25.765 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
25.900 MHz AM - Broadcast station, 11 meter SWBC band, strong signal!
25.945 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
25.950 MHz FM - STL carrier signal, unmodulated FM "dead air"
25.985 MHz LSB - Freeband CB radio operators, Latin America
26.000 MHz LSB - Spanish speaking freeband 11m operators, good signals
26.005 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
26.015 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio chatter, OM drivers talking to each other, also YL dispatcher
26.035 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL dispatch Spanish speaking lady
26.105 MHz AM - Spanish speaking freebanders calling CQ
26.115 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - YL radio taxi dispatcher Latin America
26.225 MHz USB - Strong SSB freeband QSOs - previously active frequency
26.375 MHz AM - Lots of signals on top of each other, English and Spanish heard
26.405 MHz AM - Popular freeband AM frequency, US stations heard
26.500 MHz LSB - Spanish language freeband CB radio, busy
26.515 MHz AM - US stations, sounds like a business radio system, YL dispatcher
26.540 MHz LSB - stations that QSY'ed from 26.555 LSB
26.555 MHz LSB - Nonstop SSB signals, calling frequency - see also: 27.455 MHz USB
26.585 MHz AM - Mexican truckers, very busy
26.595 MHz AM - Mexican truckers
26.625 MHz AM - Somebody doing radio checks (English language, US stations)
26.655 MHz AM - US stations, maybe logging company comms?  Not sure
26.765 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch - very good signals today, can hear the drivers replying to her!
26.775 MHz AM - Truck drivers using export radios, sporadic signals
26.785 MHz AM - Truck drivers using export radios
26.805 MHz FM - FM Group frequency, stations working DX
26.815 MHz AM - Big big signals!
26.825 MHz AM - US and other stations working DX
26.835 MHz AM - US and other stations working DX
26.935 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch, YL taxi dispatcher Spanish language
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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