0110 UTC "Heartache Tonight"-Eagles (Nice S7 signal with light fading and noise...excellent audio)
0113 UTC "Sundown"-Gordon Lightfoot
0117 UTC "If I Only Had You"-?
0120 UTC Unid rock tune-OM singer (Sounds like an old Kiss song)
(Signal has dropped down to S5 and the noise is strong)
0125 UTC Unid jazzy ballad-YL singer
0128 UTC "Jet Airliner"-unid cover by YL singer
0132 UTC "Yabba Dabba Do" followed by unid song (Music right at the noise floor)
0134 UTC "Sultans of Swing"-Dire Straits (Signal up a bit now)
0135 UTC Deep fade, then recovered to S7 and solid above the noise

0140 UTC A disco tune I forgot the name of (Getting more deep fades)
"Jungle Boogie"-Kool & The Gang 0145 UTC "Leave A Tender Moment Alone"-Billy Joel
0148 UTC "Eighteen"-Alice Cooper
0151 UTC Unid song-OM singer
0153 UTC Unid anthem (I've heard this before!)
0155 UTC The old Radio Canada Interval signal given twice
Thank you for the tunes tonight! Good stuff!

Station could use a name!

Here's my recording of the show: