2311 UTC DJ mentioning last song and next song, followed by a jaunty little big band tune (S9 peaks with excellent audio) "Bluebird In the Moonlight"
2314 UTC "Sunrise Serenade"
2318 UTC "Oh You Crazy Moon"
2321 UTC WTF Worldwide singing jingle, followed by "In the Mood"-Glenn Miller
0110 UTC Just tuned back and Glenn Miller is still beating the propagation! Down to S7 peaks
0111 UTC WTF Worldwide singing jingle, followed by "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree With Anyone Else But Me"
0115 UTC "I've Got A Girl In Kalamazoo"-Glenn Miller
0118 UTC "Caribbean Clipper"-Glenn Miller
0121 UTC "Jukebox Saturday Night"-Glenn Miller
0124 UTC WTF op chattin..."have a good night", followed by a Glenn Miller tune I didn't catch the name of
0127 UTC WTF singing jingle. followed by the WTF theme music
0128 UTC OFF
Thank you for the Glenn Miller show WTF!