Fair to good reception but cochannel LSB pescadore fishermen ruining reception. Lots of heavy beats which Shazam and AHA are having difficulty with. Finally at 03:46, Shazam IDs as: It's Up To You (dumonde rmx) by Rank 1
Frequency measures 6934.967 Should this be AD149???
It's Up To You (Symsonic) (Dumonde Remix Edit) by Rank 1 at 03:49
04:00: I just received an email stating that it's TRANCE and that a QSL will be on it's way. THANK YOU!
05:31: Still going and a little better now into Masset without the Spanish fishermen cochannel! Poor to fair at the moment, with same genre music as earlier in the evening. By the way, many thanks for the eQSL. Much appreciated!!!