Hello all,
This is an interesting one, now that I’ve managed to catch the voice transmissions as well as the paging data.
The voice messages include a “tone out” (possibly a selective calling tone) burst prior to the voice message. Frequency is 27.885 MHz.
The recordings linked below were all made via an online SDR in the UK, specifically the G8JNJ SDRs:
27.885 MHz FM Alert Tones Voice Message + Paging Signals [Part 1] G8JNJ SDR - 27 Feb 2024
27.885 MHz FM Alert Tones Voice Message + Paging Signals [Part 2] G8JNJ SDR - 27 Feb 2024
https://youtu.be/VUbcwUtgOiAVoice message for “Part 2” begins at the very beginning of the video.
For “Part 1” there is an in-progress voice message when I start recording. At 0:28 in, you can hear the “tone out” burst - one long tone followed by two short tones…followed immediately by a voice message.
Numerous other videos of the paging signals - including the various bandwidth POCSAG signals on frequency have been captured and are on the regular “R4002” page.
The links above are the best capture I’ve gotten of the voice messages though. Here are the other two videos of the voice message:
27.885 MHz FM Data Paging + FM Voice Transmission UNID Source [G8JNJ SDR] 23 Feb 2024 [Part 1]
https://youtu.be/bFesHLxAHvc^ voice transmission in progress at the very beginning of the recording. This one is the worst quality of the clips I managed to get. There is a “Part 2” video from 02/23/2024 but it only shows data / paging signals and increasing QRM from freeband CB radio signals on 27.880 MHz USB, 27.885 MHz LSB and 27.885 MHz AM - U.S. out of band 11 meter CB signals starting to fade in.
Older video / audio recordings of the voice paging pager / POCSAG paging on 27885 FM:
27.885 MHz FM POCSAG Paging + FM Voice Pager 27MHz Band 11M Band [G8JNJ SDR in UK] - 15-Dec-2023
https://youtu.be/C6R50M8Q-dY^ from December 15th, 2023. Tone out / alert tone at 0:16 in, follows the same format - one long tone burst followed by two short tone bursts followed by a voice message transmission (FM mode) followed by a moment of unmodulated FM carrier…then it switches back to paging data bursts.
27.885 MHz FM Voice Paging + Data Bursts Pager System POCSAG Paging - Via G8JNJ SDR - 24 Oct 2023
https://youtu.be/g-8CHON_QxU^ from October 24, 2023. The voice message is in progress when the recording starts.