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Author Topic: SDRSharp v1.0.0.1921 Development Release  (Read 1313 times)

Offline RobRich

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SDRSharp v1.0.0.1921 Development Release
« on: July 16, 2024, 0009 UTC »
SDR# v1921 is currently in development. A new feature is a voice activity detection (VAD) algorithm. More info and download:


I did a quick video of a 40m-band op calling CQ, so there are breaks between transmissions to show how VAD can accomplish auto squelch.

Tampa, FL USA | US Map Grid EL88
My Public Receivers: KiwiSDR 2 | Web-888 SDR
Airspy HF+ Discovery | 2x Msi2500 Msi001 | 2x RTL-SDR V3 + NE602 | 2x RTL-SDR V4
148' + 60' Loops-on-Ground | 30' Inverted Delta Loop | 31' Vertical | 18' End-Fed Vertical


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