Good evening to you all. At 14.28 U.T.C. I was situated at SAILLY-LEZ-CAMBRAI which is a small village in Northern France, at 82 meters above the sea level and at 50°11'33.81'' North and 003°10'39.14'' East (WGS 84) with my SANGEAN ATS 909 X 2 for an outdoor reception. I picked up a dutch radiostation which the signal strengh was 3/12 LED at the maximum with a SINPO 35422. I could understand that the operateur only said :"this is a test in dutch language" before he made the closedown at 14.30 U.T.C. on this frequency 6280 KHz. Good D.X. B.L.
edit by Ray : from UNID to Radio Lowland (Achim's audiolog)