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Author Topic: Chamberpot Radio QSL  (Read 1245 times)

Offline Mentholyptus

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Chamberpot Radio QSL
« on: October 08, 2013, 1716 UTC »
Got this in today's snail mail from their Sept 12th show (full details on back)
Thank you Chamberpot Radio!
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 0401 UTC by Mentholyptus »
Location: Ligonier Pennsylvania area
Primary radio: Icom R75
Secondary radios: Kenwood R1000, Icom R9000
Thirdary radio: Tecsun 880 Portable
Antennas: Par EF-SWL - W6LVP Loop - 25 ft  longwire
=====> Please eQSL to:  pm121152@gmail.com  <=====


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