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Author Topic: Hams Behaving Badly 7200 LSB 0122 UTC 8 JUL 2024  (Read 7205 times)

Offline Charlie_Dont_Surf

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Re: Hams Behaving Badly 7200 LSB 0122 UTC 8 JUL 2024
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2025, 0404 UTC »
Usually difficult to follow too much, as everyone is talking over each other.

That's basically the normal state of affairs on 7200.

The highlight for me tonight, was the guy with the hill-billy southern accent,
repeatedly singing the first four lines of "Juke Box Hero"   lmao

The last time I listened a few weeks ago was the day after a big snow storm in the southern US. One guy kept making sure to note that he was "on a snow day today" on pretty much every transmission. There almost always seems to be someone repeating the same line over and over again for humor, in my experience.

I don't STRETCH the truth.

cdsurf attt protonmail d0t com


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