0125 UTC I'm hearing some ambient instrumental music
***...vibraphone or electronic? Signal solid above the noise (33222)
0127 UTC Strong ute on for about 30 seconds
0129 UTC Possibly another unid song for a bit, then possible OM talking? Carrier is quite good here
0130 UTC Not hearing any audio now...very high noise level
0133 UTC unid music now...drumbeats heard mostly, but there is a song in there
(Is this the station that relayed Liquid Radio last night? Frequency seems to be the same...just a hair above 6969.5)
0137 UTC OM said something, but tough copy in the noise
0139 UTC Music now, with some ute blasts (instrumental song with a funky drum beat)
0147 UTC Carrier only for the last few minutes...maybe an OM talking?
0149 UTC Definitely an OM talking now...too low in the carrier to copy
0150 UTC Music now...ambient instrumental
0203 UTC Unid ambient music...sounds like some flutes in there
0237 UTC OFF...carrier gone
Thanks for the broadcast whoever!
Here's my recording from 0125-0155 UTC:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IfjjFGO2AWHkbQw3EXdqQ7Sp5p3avhg1/view?usp=sharing***When I was uploading to my Google Drive, I shazam'd the music at 0125 and the result was "Easy Serv"-Orbital
If there was an ID in the broadcast, I couldn't hear it...any takers?