27700 USB
S2 over quiet conditions with some fading, but signal improving - I've been hearing this station in Spanish (thnx CTY!) almost daily since 10/21. Station will transmit mostly EDM/dance music off & on throughout the day w/comments(ID's?)...I have posted audio samples in both the
ID and Translation Requests &
10/11 meter sections. In some ways this station reminds me of how Greek pirates operate on & off throughout the evening with similar approach/comments. Now, if they could just send an sstv ID amongst they other sstv stations
11:46z station starting to fade in w/EDM music
12:03z song mentioning 'energy'
12:05z tx pause
12:19z back on
12:27z faded up nicely to hear Op talking
12:28z tx pause
12:39z back on
12:59z signal around S5 now
14:01z back off
UNID 27700 USB 12:19z-12:27z 10-29-24UNID 27700 USB 12:40z-14:01z 10-29-24Thanks whoever you are!