0037 UTC Tune in to an unid rock song-OM singers (S7 peaks with light fading and light noise...sounds good)
0040 UTC Unid song-OM singer (The lyrics mention a turkey...and a psychedelic moment at Grandma's)
0043 UTC Unid song about turkeys and Thanksgiving-OM singer (a film musical sounding tune mentioning cranberries and stuffing)
0045 UTC Unid live martial sounding tune about turkeys ("no more turkeys on your plate")
0047 UTC Quick ID by an OM, but I'll have to check my recording later, then back to more turkey music
0049 UTC OM speaking about turkeys, followed by a ballad about turkeys-OM singer
(I never knew there were so many songs about the plight of the turkey on Thanksgiving!)
0055 UTC The aerosol sounding ute is QRMing the signal in various degrees)
0057 UTC OM with repeated ID's then back to the music (? Turkey Radio ?)
0058 UTC Martial song about fighting turkeys "flying through the air" and "getting their revenge"
0101 UTC Turkeys gobbling and machine gun sounds
0102 UTC OFF
Listened back on the ID's at 0047 and 0057 UTC and it is clearly "Crazy Turkey Radio"
Here's my recording of the show:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v0xUr3OXvdlFch_PnEGUJ6CGt8bpThOr/view?usp=sharingWould very much appreciate an eQSL!
Thank you for the post Thanksgiving fighting turkey music!