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Author Topic: UNID 570AM Time Signal  (Read 359 times)

Offline Robot Matrix

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UNID 570AM Time Signal
« on: January 02, 2025, 0630 UTC »
Anyone else hearing this? It fades, so I know it's not local. At 00 seconds is a high tone,  followed by a 3 note chime, like a xylophone. Each second sounds like the tic tok just like WWV.

At some point, some loud machine like noise interference started up as well.

All of this is very odd.
eQSL: RobotMatrix@proton.me
NESDR Smart V5, Ham It Up upconverter v1.3, WEB-888 SDR, inverted L 20' up, and various other antennas to cover .1-1750MHz.

Offline pinto vortando

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Re: UNID 570AM Time Signal
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2025, 1500 UTC »
Could be Radio Reloj (literally Radio Clock) Cuba... it transmits on a number of AM frequencies including 570.
There is a high pitch beep at the top of every minute followed by the ID... RR (.-. .-.) in Morse Code.
In between each ID you will hear a tic tok marking the seconds.
There is a voice over all of this reading the news.
If conditions are bad, you may not hear the voice, but the RR usually gets through.
Das Radiobunker somewhere in Michigan


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