My scanners not only include HAM FREQ's, but also all five VHF High Band MURS channels, as well as GMRS / FRS. About a decade ago, local CB'ers were trying out the MURS Band, and I joined them, so that they could get away from the Cycle 24 F2 Skip then. What killed that? When Cycle 24 died-out, and the locals thought that they could talk further back on 27MHz CB. And, due to the fact that the terrain here sucks for VHF, and especially UHF, in West Virginia, I could certainly see that. Last week, I was hearing the scanner stop on a QSO on MURS CH2, 151.880MHz FM, and recognized a CB friend of mine. So, I joined-in and asked what's up. Whelp, a bag of douche is trashing the CB locally. So, since some of these dudes still had MURS rigs, they're trying it again. How long will this last? I duh-know... But, it's neat to hear them on again, and get newer folks to try the band with cheap Chinese commercial HT's. Hey... Antennas are easy enough to build for that band. So, what are you hearing on MURS out there?