0411 Radio Free Euphonia ID by OM into "The Girl with the Sun in Her Head" by Orbital.
0421 ID by OM 2x into "Petrol" by Orbital.
0425 "Dance Hall Days" by Wang Chung.
0430 ID by OM into "Big Log" by Robert Plant.
0435 "Steppin' Out" by Joe Jackson.
0439 "Mexican Radio" by Wall of Voodoo.

0443 ID by OM 2x into "A Life of Illusion" by Joe Walsh.
0447 "Come Back and Stay" by Paul Young.
0452 "Rosewood Bitters" by Joe Walsh.
0455 ID by OM into "The Metro" by Berlin.
0500 "Easy Serv" by Orbital, ID by OM 3x, email and signoff message.
0504 OTA.
Thanks for tonight's show!
Please eQSL to drossm@sympatico.ca